The Party Committee of Hai Duong Provincial Agencies has many specific measures to improve the effectiveness of Party organizations and the quality of Party members.
Exceeding the Party admission target
In 2023, the Party Committee of the Bloc of Hai Duong Provincial Agencies admitted 126 party members, exceeding the target assigned by the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee by 6 members. In the context that 27 out of 66 (accounting for 41%) of the grassroots party organizations under the Bloc Party Committee no longer had a source of party members, the unit made great efforts to achieve the above results. Based on the existing elite mass resources of the Party cells and grassroots Party Committees and the assigned targets, the Standing Committee of the Bloc Party Committee directed the Organizing Committee of the Bloc Party Committee to review and assign the target of admitting new party members in 2023 to each Party cell and grassroots Party Committee right from the beginning of the year. The organization of political theory training courses for elite masses and new party members is also carried out regularly.
The Party Committee of Hai Duong Clean Water Trading Joint Stock Company is the unit that has recruited the most Party members in the Party Committee of the Bloc, exceeding 11 Party members. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Son, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Deputy General Director of the company said: "Following the leadership and based on the targets assigned by the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Bloc, the annual work of developing Party members has always been of interest to the unit. During the year, the Party Committee reviewed and selected 19 outstanding people to attend the political theory training class for Party admission candidates organized by the Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies Bloc; at the same time, it considered and proposed to recruit 23 outstanding people into the Party."
Along with striving to exceed the Party admission target, the Party Committee of the Bloc also pays attention to political and ideological education and improving the quality of Party members. In 2023, the Party Committee of the Bloc organized 12 professional training courses on studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle; protecting the Party's ideological foundation, fighting and refuting wrong and hostile views in the new situation; and professional activities in Party building work. In particular, conferences to disseminate and disseminate new directives, resolutions and conclusions of the Central and Provincial Party Committees to cadres and Party members were highly valued by the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Bloc and Party committees and cells at all levels, with many innovations. The Party Committee of the Bloc has invited many experts and Central reporters to communicate and discuss with cadres and party members on current and practical issues, such as inviting Dr. Le Doan Hop, former Minister of Information and Communications, to give a talk on the topic "Office culture, public ethics in the period of the 4.0 industrial revolution"; inviting Associate Professor Dr. Dang Dinh Quy, former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, to give a talk on the topic "The world situation and Vietnam's foreign affairs in the current period".
Strengthening party organization
In 2023, the Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies Bloc also completed the implementation of the policies, directions and regulations of the Central and the province on consolidating, building and perfecting the grassroots party organizations. The Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Bloc agreed to upgrade 2 Party cells to Party cells directly under the grassroots Party Committee (the Party cell of the Hai Duong Provincial Land Registration Office under the Party Committee of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment and the Party cell of the Hai Duong Center for Disease Control under the Party Committee of the Department of Health) in accordance with the practical situation of the Party cells with a large number of Party members and scattered activities. The Party Committee received and handed over 11 power plant Party cells of 11 districts, towns and cities to be directly under the Party Committee of Hai Duong Electricity One Member Co., Ltd.; received and merged the Party Committee of Hai Duong University and the Party Committee of Hai Duong College into the Party Committee of Hai Duong University according to the decision of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee.
Up to now, the newly received, upgraded and established grassroots party organizations have all operated in a more disciplined and effective manner than before. The review, supplement of planning, and consolidation of Party committees and key leadership positions of Party committees, Party cells and grassroots party organizations have been directed and implemented promptly and in accordance with regulations by the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Bloc. Some Party Committees directly under the Party Committee of the Bloc have reorganized the Party organization in accordance with the separation and merger of departments and offices within agencies and units to operate more effectively.
With synchronous and effective solutions, in 2022 and 2023, the entire Party Committee had 264 typical collective examples and 1,361 typical individuals who were commended, rewarded, and recorded in the book of good people and good deeds by Party committees and Party cells at all levels. In 2023, the Provincial Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies had 21 out of 66 grassroots party organizations assessed as having excellently fulfilled their tasks, and 44 units as having well fulfilled their tasks. Of the 5,471 classified party members, 5,289 party members fulfilled their tasks well (reaching 96.7%), of which 911 party members fulfilled their tasks excellently (reaching 17.2%). The Provincial Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies was classified as having excellently fulfilled its tasks.
Comrade Nguyen Huu Quang, Head of the Organizing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, said that the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Provincial Party Committee is supervising the leadership, direction and implementation of Resolution No. 21-NQ/TW dated June 16, 2022 of the 13th Party Central Committee on strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and improving the quality of party members in the new period. Through supervision, we will continue to properly assess the results, point out the limitations and identify and propose solutions for implementation in the coming time to more effectively carry out the tasks of Party building.