
The investor mortgaged the project's land use rights, residents were upset because their pink books were "suspended"

TH (according to Vietnamnet) April 22, 2024 20:30

Some investors in Ho Chi Minh City have mortgaged the land use rights of their projects and then failed to release the mortgage to complete the procedures to request a pink book.

More than 78,000 houses in housing projects in Ho Chi Minh City do not have pink books.

The Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DONRE) of Ho Chi Minh City has just informed about the situation of granting certificates of land use rights, house ownership rights and other assets attached to land (pink books) at housing projects in the area.

To date, the Ho Chi Minh City Land Registration Office has received applications for pink books for 137,545 houses in 575 projects. As a result, pink books have been issued for 127,833 houses, and nearly 10,000 remaining applications are being processed.

According to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Ho Chi Minh City, at 575 housing projects in the city, there are still 78,371 houses that have not submitted applications for pink books. Of these, more than 30,061 applications have been assessed and are eligible but the investors and home buyers have not submitted their applications.

In September 2023, the Ho Chi Minh City Land Registration Office sent a dispatch to investors and apartment building management boards urging them to submit their applications. To date, 9,278 out of 30,061 cases have submitted applications for pink books.

Of the remaining 20,783 houses that have not yet submitted their applications, the Vinhome Grand Park project in Thu Duc City has 8,894 units. This project has a large number of apartments, so the investor is still submitting applications.

One of the problems that has prevented the progress of granting pink books from meeting expectations is the determination of additional financial obligations.

Specifically, many projects had detailed planning at 1/500 scale before, but when implemented, the scale and planning criteria were no longer suitable, so the investor requested to adjust the planning and project scale. This gave rise to financial obligations. In addition, some projects had to determine additional financial obligations due to implementation according to the conclusions of competent State agencies.

In addition, some investors have mortgaged the land use rights of the project at credit institutions. According to regulations, before completing the procedures to request a pink book for home buyers, the investor must release the mortgage and submit the original land use right certificate to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment for adjustment and conversion of the land use form to a common use form.

However, in reality, there are investors who do not carry out mortgage cancellation, making residents upset because they have not been granted pink books. Typical examples include Khang Gia apartment building, Go Vap district; Duc Khai apartment building, district 7; 4S Linh Dong apartment building, Thu Duc city.

Regarding social housing projects, currently in Ho Chi Minh City there are 10 social housing projects with a total of 7,194 houses eligible for pink books. Of these, 6,979 pink books have been issued to home buyers.

There are still 2,704 houses in 4 social housing projects that have not been granted pink books due to problems, which are: Thanh Loc apartment building, district 12; Hoa Phuong apartment building, district 12; An Phu Dong apartment building, district 12; and Natural Poem apartment building, Binh Tan district.

TH (according to Vietnamnet)
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    The investor mortgaged the project's land use rights, residents were upset because their pink books were "suspended"