On April 11, the Russian Foreign Ministry said it had summoned the Austrian Ambassador in Moscow and declared an official at the Austrian Embassy in Russia persona non grata.
The Russian news agency TASS quoted the ministry's announcement as saying that on April 11, Austrian Ambassador to Moscow Werner Almhofer was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry headquarters in connection with Austria's declaration of two employees of the Russian Embassy in Austria as persona non grata. Russia believes that Austria's statement is groundless and inappropriate, further damaging bilateral relations.
In addition, the Russian side also handed Ambassador Werner Almhofer a notice that an employee of the Austrian Embassy in Russia was persona non grata. The notice stated that this employee was required to leave Russian territory by the end of April 18 at the latest, and affirmed that this was not the final response.
On March 13, the Austrian Foreign Ministry announced the expulsion of two diplomats from the Russian Embassy in Austria, ordering them to leave Austria within a week from the date of the announcement. Austria said these diplomats had acted “incompatible with their diplomatic role.” This move brings the total number of Russian diplomats that Austria has expelled since 2020 to 11 in four separate batches.
Austria has long maintained a neutral stance and played a role as a bridge in international diplomacy.