Positions subject to rotation of cadres in the Party inspection sector

July 12, 2023 20:00

The positions of department heads, deputy department heads and equivalent positions of the Central Inspection Commission are rotated to become chairmen and deputy chairmen of the Inspection Commissions of Party committees directly under the Central Committee.

Standing member of the Secretariat Truong Thi Mai has just signed the Secretariat's regulations on rotating cadres in the Party inspection sector.

Be old enough to work for at least 10 years

The rotation subjects are leaders and managers in the Party inspection sector from district level and above, except for officials under the management of the Politburo and Secretariat; whose leadership and management positions are approved by competent authorities.

Specifically, they are full-time members of the provincial and district inspection committees and equivalent (chairmen, deputy chairmen, and members of the inspection committees); officials holding leadership and management positions at the department level of the Central Inspection Committee and at the department level of the provincial inspection committees.

Standing member of the Secretariat Truong Thi Mai

The principle of arranging rotational positions is basically implemented according to the principle of arranging positions equivalent to the current position. If necessary, the competent authority may consider arranging a position higher than the current position for cadres with outstanding qualities and abilities, capable of meeting the requirements of the assigned position and ensuring the standards and conditions according to regulations.

Rotated cadres must have a firm political stance and ideology, good moral qualities; have professional qualifications, expertise, and political theory that meet the standards and conditions prescribed for the position held during rotation.

At the same time, they must have worked in the Party inspection sector for at least 3 years and be old enough to work for at least 10 years from the time of transfer. Special cases will be considered and decided by the competent authority in charge of cadre management.

The rotation period is at least 3 years (36 months). Special cases will be considered and decided by the competent authority in charge of personnel management.

Inter-level and cross-level rotation

The regulation specifies two types of rotation: Inter-level rotation and horizontal rotation.

Specifically, there are three cases of rotation between levels. One is that the positions of department heads, deputy department heads and equivalent positions of the Central Inspection Commission are rotated to become the chairman and deputy chairman of the inspection committee of the Party Committee directly under the Central Committee.

Second, the chairman, deputy chairman, and member of the inspection committee of the Party Committee directly under the Central Committee are transferred to become department heads, deputy department heads, and equivalent positions of the Central Inspection Committee; the head of a department is transferred to become the chairman of the district-level inspection committee; the deputy head of a department is transferred to become the deputy chairman and member of the district-level inspection committee.

Third, at the district-level inspection committee, the chairman is rotated to become a member of the inspection committee, head of a department of the provincial-level inspection committee; the deputy chairman and committee members are rotated to become members of the committee, head of department, deputy head of department of the provincial-level inspection committee.

In case of horizontal transfer, the following positions are held: Chairman, deputy chairman, member of the provincial and district inspection committees and equivalent positions from one province to another; head of department, deputy head of department of the provincial inspection committee to another province.

The assignment of work to cadres after rotation must be based on the cadre work requirements of the Central Inspection Commission, political tasks, the situation of the cadre team of the inspection commissions of localities, agencies and units; work results, capacity and strengths of cadres associated with the implementation of political tasks of localities, agencies and units and comments and assessments of cadres by competent authorities.

In case a transferred cadre is decided by a competent authority to continue to be assigned to a stable job in the locality, agency or unit where he/she is going, he/she is no longer a transferred cadre according to regulations.

5-step process for rotating Party inspection cadres

Step 1: The Central Inspection Commission issues a plan to rotate cadres in the Party inspection sector by term, annually.

Step 2: Based on the need for cadre rotation, the Party Committee directly under the Central Committee reviews and evaluates the cadre team in the Party Inspection sector of localities, agencies and units to develop a rotation plan and submit it to the Central Inspection Committee for consideration and approval.

Step 3: The Central Inspection Committee synthesizes proposals from localities and units and reviews standards, criteria and plans for locations, positions and personnel to be transferred.

Step 4: The Central Inspection Committee presides over discussions with local Party committees and units to plan a list of personnel and positions to be transferred.

Step 5: The Central Inspection Committee and competent authorities according to the decentralization of cadre management direct and organize the implementation of the next steps such as: Collecting comments and assessments on personnel expected to be transferred; sending documents to collect appraisal opinions...

According to Vietnamnet

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Positions subject to rotation of cadres in the Party inspection sector