6 Most Common Myths About Skin Care

November 14, 2022 15:21

Incorrect knowledge about skin care can harm your skin or cost you money without seeing results. Here are 6 common misconceptions about skin care…


1. The more expensive the cosmetics, the better.

‏In fact, expensive products do not always work better than cheap ones. The most important thing is the ingredients of the product. One of the cheap but very effective products is Vaseline.‏

However, with some ingredients like vitamin C that need to be carefully formulated to work effectively, it's better to opt for an expensive product.

When choosing moisturizers and cleansers, you should research the active ingredients that are best suited to your skin, so you can choose the best skin care product for yourself instead of just focusing on the price.

2. Oily skin does not need moisturizer

Many people with oily skin often skip the moisturizing step because they think this layer of cream can make the skin feel stuffy and "hard to breathe". However, this is one of the misconceptions that is quite harmful to the skin.

Oily skin still needs to be moisturized. The drier the skin, the more oil it produces to compensate for the lack of moisture. Therefore, moisturizing the skin properly will help balance moisture, thereby reducing oil secretion on the face. For oily skin, it is better to choose a gentle moisturizer with a light texture.

3. Only apply sunscreen when going out in the sun.

‏Only applying sunscreen when going out on sunny days is a common mistake that makes your anti-aging ineffective. Even if it's not sunny, UVA rays still exist and can penetrate clouds, penetrate deep into the dermis and damage the skin.

On the other hand, even when working indoors, you should not skip sunscreen. Because glasses block UVB rays well but do not block UVA rays.

‏Not only sunlight, UV rays from electrical appliances, fluorescent lamps, televisions... can also accelerate the aging process. Therefore, to keep your skin youthful, apply sunscreen regularly, even when the weather is cloudy and there is no sun.

4. Dark circles are caused by only one thing: lack of sleep.

‏Dark circles around the eyes occur when blood and fluid don't circulate effectively. Lack of sleep can certainly aggravate the problem, but it's not the only cause. ‏

The most common cause of dark circles is also the natural aging process. As we age, dark circles become more prominent as the skin thins, which happens naturally with age.

5. Retinol is a "miracle" skin care ingredient for the skin.

Retinol is a familiar ingredient in many skin care products with the effects of strengthening the skin's protective barrier, moisturizing, improving texture, preventing aging problems... However, if used incorrectly or overused, you may experience some side effects such as redness, dryness, peeling, and sun sensitivity...

‏‏Therefore, instead of using retinol too often, you can reduce the frequency of use to every 1-2 days to allow your skin to adapt and tolerate this active ingredient.

6. Organic skin care products are always safer for the skin

‏Natural skin care products are not controlled for quality and ingredient content that can cause skin irritation, especially for those with sensitive skin. Therefore, organic skin care creams do not mean that they are completely safe and benign for your skin.

According to Health and Life

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6 Most Common Myths About Skin Care