Kiwi, almonds, yogurt, kale and bananas are both nutritious and relaxing, helping children sleep well.
KiwiRich in serotonin - a neurotransmitter that plays a role in regulating sleep. Children who eat kiwi regularly can improve both the duration and quality of sleep.
Almondprovides abundant magnesium, helps relax muscles and regulate sleep hormones. This type of seed is also rich in protein, adding it to yogurt helps promote a feeling of fullness for children.
YogurtContains calcium, supports melatonin production and deeper sleep cycles. Children who eat yogurt regularly provide a lot of protein for the body, helping the skeletal system develop, thereby promoting growth.
Kaleis a rich source of magnesium and calcium, which support nerve function. It also helps relax muscles, promoting better sleep.
BananaRich in potassium and magnesium. These can act as natural muscle relaxants, regulating the body's stress response, helping to promote better sleep.
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