The traffic light on Vo Nguyen Giap Avenue (Hai Duong City) was red, but two young men still accelerated through the red light at breakneck speed.
At 8:45 a.m. on November 25, the traffic light at the intersection of Vo Nguyen Giap and Vo Van Kiet avenues (Hai Duong city) turned red. Vehicles traveling in the direction of Hai Duong city - Gia Loc all stopped at the traffic light.
At this time, two young men riding two motorbikes 34-K1 073.xx and 36-L6 170.xx accelerated through the red light at breakneck speed, weaving through vehicles moving from Vo Van Kiet Avenue to Vo Nguyen Giap Avenue. Neither of these two young men were wearing helmets.
The above two young men's acts of disregarding the law and their own lives and those of others must be condemned and severely punished.
SONG NGUYEN (Hai Duong City)