Whether or not cyclists who run red lights will be fined is a question that many traffic participants are concerned about and below is some information to answer.
According to the provisions of Clause 3, Article 10 of the 2008 Road Traffic Law:
3. Traffic light signals have three colors, as follows:
a) Green signal means go;
b) Red signal means no go;
c) Yellow signal means you must stop before the stop line; except in the case of having passed the stop line, you may continue; in the case of a flashing yellow signal, you may proceed but must reduce speed, pay attention, and give way to pedestrians crossing the street.
Thus, running a yellow light when it is about to turn red is also a violation of the Road Traffic Law. Up to now, we are used to riding motorbikes and cars running red lights will be punished. But few people know that riding a bicycle and running a red light will also be punished.
Pursuant to Point d Clause 2 Article 8 Decree 100/2019/ND-CP:
Article 8. Penalties for drivers, passengers on bicycles, motorbikes, and other rudimentary vehicles violating road traffic regulations. Fines from 100,000 VND to 200,000 VND shall be imposed on drivers who do not comply with traffic light signals. Also based on this decree, if a bicycle enters a prohibited road, it shall be fined from 200,000 to 300,000 VND.
Compared to Decree 46 (fines from 60,000 VND to 80,000 VND for non-compliance with traffic light signals for bicycles), Decree 100 has increased the fine level to better handle violations, thereby limiting violations.
In addition to being fined, vehicle drivers who re-offend or repeatedly violate the acts specified in Point a and Point b, Clause 3 of this Article shall also be subject to the additional penalty of confiscation of their vehicles.
According to VTC News