
10 years of implementing Directive 40 on policy credit - Hai Duong takes action to help people escape poverty

HA KIEN July 29, 2024 16:00

After 10 years of implementing Directive 40, Hai Duong Party Committee and government have actively participated in transferring policy capital to help people escape poverty.

10 năm thực hiện Chỉ thị 40 về tín dụng chính sách
10 years of implementing Directive 40 on policy credit

Ten years ago, on November 22, 2014, the Central Party Secretariat issued Directive No. 40-CT/TW on "Strengthening the Party's leadership over social policy credit". After 10 years of implementing Directive 40, Hai Duong Party Committee and government have actively participated in transferring policy capital to help people escape poverty.

Leave no one behind

In early 2013, through the media, Ms. Pham Thi Thiem in Phu Noi village, Binh Dan commune (Kim Thanh) learned about asparagus, a vegetable with high nutritional value. Realizing the potential of the market, Ms. Thiem invested in renovating her family's 8 sao of rice fields and rented more than 2 mau of other fields to grow asparagus. "My family's capital at that time was still limited, so we had to make do with what we had. Moreover, I also worked and listened to the market at the same time. Luckily, my family's asparagus products were sold as soon as they were harvested," Ms. Thiem said.

From having to "cut your coat according to your cloth" in balancing capital to grow asparagus, Ms. Pham Thi Thiem has accessed policy credit capital.
Mrs. Thiem's ​​asparagus field has gradually expanded thanks to capital.
ruộng măng tây của bà Thiềm ngày càng được mở rộng
bringing in hundreds of millions of dong in revenue, creating stable jobs for many local workers.

By 2015, Ms. Thiem had access to policy credit capital to expand her cultivation area. At that time, when thinking about borrowing from the bank, Ms. Thiem was also very worried, because if the business was not favorable, where would she get the money to pay the principal and interest. However, after being consulted by the Kim Thanh District Social Policy Bank Transaction Office and the Binh Dan Commune Women's Union about loan procedures, especially the interest rate, she felt that she could afford it, so she borrowed 100 million VND under the job creation program. "That amount of money has contributed significantly to helping my family take a new step forward in growing and trading asparagus. From the initial 3 hectares, it increased to 5 hectares and then gradually expanded. Up to now, my family has 10 hectares of asparagus," Ms. Thiem said.

Không có sự hỗ trợ từ vốn tín dụng chính sách thì tôi khó có được ruộng măng tây 10 mẫu hôm nay-2

The asparagus field not only brings Mrs. Thiem hundreds of millions of dong in profit each year, but also helps create stable jobs for 15 workers with an income of 8-10 million dong/month.

Policy credit capital has not only helped cases like Ms. Thiem stabilize their livelihoods and earn more income, but also helped many other difficult cases through many suitable programs. For example, the social housing loan program that Ms. Nguyen Thi Hue's family in Trai Vuc village, Chi Minh commune (Tu Ky) benefited from is an example. Decades ago, Ms. Hue's extended family lived together in a two-room tiled-roof house, about 30 square meters wide. "It was cramped and very degraded. Sometimes it rained without needing to rain quickly, sometimes it was just a long light rain but my house still had to catch this part and cover that part because of leaks," Ms. Hue said.

Thanks to the policy credit capital under the social housing program, Ms. Hue was able to borrow 300 million VND to build a new house. "Indeed, if we didn't have this preferential interest rate loan, my husband and I wouldn't have dared to build a house. Now I have a new house of nearly 100 square meters, spacious and clean. Moreover, my husband and I were able to borrow additional capital under the rural clean water and environmental sanitation program, so we were able to complete the house. The recent Tet Giap Thin 2024 was my family's first Tet in the new house, very happy," Ms. Hue shared.

Thanks to the social housing loan program, Ms. Nguyen Thi Hue's family was able to build a spacious and beautiful house.
Ms. Hue also received a loan under the rural clean water and environmental sanitation program.
"If we didn't have this preferential loan, my husband and I wouldn't have dared to build a house," Ms. Hue shared.

For Mr. Nguyen Duc Hanh's family in Tan Quang village, Quang Khai commune (Tu Ky), the policy credit capital has helped him and his wife ease their worries and increase their joy when their children go to university. "After a major business incident, I was left with nothing. The whole family of nearly ten mouths to feed only depended on a few fields. My children, because they loved their grandparents and parents, always tried to study hard. Then they were admitted to the University of Science, Foreign Trade University and the gifted class of the University of Natural Sciences, Vietnam National University, Hanoi. I was happy when my children passed their exams, but I was worried because I didn't know how to make ends meet," Mr. Hanh shared.

For the student loan program alone, Mr. Hanh’s family has borrowed a total of 185 million VND. To date, his family has paid off all the loans for his eldest and second children, with an outstanding loan of 90 million VND for his third child.

After his mistake, Mr. Chu Van Son in Ngoc Hoa village, Vinh Hoa commune (Ninh Giang) had to serve a prison sentence. After serving his sentence, he returned home with the determination to rebuild a new life, but he still had many complexes and inferiority complex.


"Because I lacked capital, I didn't know how to make a living at that time. During that most difficult time, my family was able to access policy credit capital under the program for people who had completed their prison sentences. There is really nothing to describe the joy of myself and my family. It was like a brighter door had opened," Son shared.

With preferential loans, plus loans from relatives, Mr. Son renovated the fields and built a greenhouse of more than 3,600 m2 to grow TL3 yellow-fleshed melons.

While walking, Mr. Chu Van Son in Vinh Hoa commune (Ninh Giang) introduced his greenhouse for growing melons.
The melon variety Mr. Son grows is TL3, which has high yield.

After more than 3 months of hard work, Mr. Son has just harvested his first crop of melons with an estimated yield of more than 10 tons, earning hundreds of millions of dong.

Không có sự hỗ trợ từ vốn tín dụng chính sách thì tôi khó có được ruộng măng tây 10 mẫu hôm nay-3

"Guidelines" for policy credit

On November 22, 2014, the Central Party Secretariat issued Directive No. 40-CT/TW on "Strengthening the Party's leadership over social policy credit" (Directive 40). A very high determination of Party committees and authorities from the central to local levels has brought about encouraging results in all aspects of economic life, culture and social order for the rural poor.


Over the past 10 years, Directive 40 has become the "compass" for policy credit activities in Hai Duong province.

Since then, the provincial branch of the Social Policy Bank has not only been a "bridge" for disbursing government credit...

...but also a "lever" to promote the close connection between the Party - people - government in the fight against poverty and sustainable development.

The Provincial Social Policy Bank coordinates with relevant units to regularly review and make efforts to promptly transfer credit capital to eligible cases.

Immediately after the Secretariat issued Directive 40, along with the leadership and direction of the organization of research, study, dissemination and propaganda of the Directive, the Hai Duong Provincial Party Committee issued many Directives, Resolutions and Notices for implementation. The documents of the Provincial Party Committee clearly directed the goals and key tasks in implementing social policy credit in the province.

Accordingly, by the end of 2025, the capital entrusted from the local budget for lending to poor households and other policy beneficiaries in the province will account for at least 15% of the total capital of the provincial branch of the Social Policy Bank, 5 years earlier than the Government's strategy for developing the Social Policy Bank.

Difficulties and obstacles in implementing policy credit are regularly reviewed and resolved. In addition, provincial leaders regularly pay attention to and direct the addition of locally entrusted capital sources to lend to poor households and other policy beneficiaries in the area.

The shining faces
from effective farming and livestock models
It is the result of tireless efforts and determination to escape poverty.
with support from social policy credit capital

After 10 years of implementing Directive 40, the total policy credit capital in the province reached 5,170 billion VND, an increase of 120% compared to 2014. The capital entrusted locally reached 502 billion VND, accounting for nearly 10% of the total capital, an increase of 18.5 times compared to before Directive 40 was issued.

It can be affirmed that after 10 years of implementing Directive No. 40 in Hai Duong province, social policy credit has really come into life and promoted its effectiveness. The social policy credit activities that the Social Policy Bank branch is implementing have actively contributed to helping Hai Duong reduce poverty quickly and sustainably, build new rural areas, advanced new rural areas, model new rural areas, political stability, social security and socio-economic development in each locality in the province.

Perform: HA KIEN


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10 years of implementing Directive 40 on policy credit - Hai Duong takes action to help people escape poverty