
The cesarean section rate is increasing due to fear of labor pain.

TH (according to VnExpress) October 15, 2024 21:45

The rate of cesarean section in Vietnam has tripled in the past 15 years as many women request cesarean section instead of natural birth, leading to many consequences.

Professor Nguyen Duy Anh, Director of the Central Maternity Hospital, spoke at the conference.

The information was announced by Associate Professor, Dr. Vu Van Du, Deputy Director of the Central Maternity Hospital.Vietnam-France Obstetrics and Gynecology Conference 2024, October 15, in Hanoi. Nearly 70 reporters participated in the report, an opportunity for doctors to update and share the latest techniques in obstetrics and gynecology.

A cesarean section is a surgical procedure to deliver a baby through a tear in the uterus and abdominal wall. A cesarean section can be planned in advance (if the patient has factors that contraindicate vaginal birth) or decided during the process of monitoring vaginal labor.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the recommended rate of cesarean section is 10-15%. Anything above 15% is considered medically unnecessary. However, in recent decades, the rate of cesarean section has increased worldwide. It is predicted that by 2030, the global cesarean section rate will be 29%.

In Vietnam, the rate of cesarean section has increased continuously over the past 15 years, from 12% in 2005 to 37% in 2022. In addition to doctors' instructions, many pregnant women and their families request to have a cesarean section. "The high cesarean section rate has become an urgent issue, raising concerns about its impact on the health of mothers as well as long-term consequences," said Associate Professor Du.

There are currently no statistics on elective cesarean sections, but records from hospitals show that the number of pregnant women requesting this method of birth has increased over the years. The reason is that many pregnant women fear that natural birth will be painful, they will be left alone, and that pelvic floor damage will lead to urinary incontinence... In addition, many families want to choose the time and date of birth.

Caesarean section without medical indication can increase short- and long-term health risks for both mother and child. Specifically, the mother faces the risk of hysterectomy due to hemorrhage, anesthesia complications, cardiac arrest, acute renal failure, venous thrombosis, postpartum infection, placenta previa, placenta accreta, uterine rupture, infertility... On the child's side, caesarean section also increases the rate of neonatal respiratory diseases, bronchial asthma, obesity.

Associate Professor Tran Danh Cuong, an obstetrics and gynecology expert, said that mothers who give birth naturally do not experience complications of cesarean sections such as epidural anesthesia, anesthesia, and bleeding after the cesarean section. After giving birth, mothers often produce more milk because the endocrine system is activated during labor. On the other hand, the recovery time of mothers after giving birth naturally will be shorter. Babies born naturally have to go through a long period of labor, so their lungs function well and their respiratory system is better than babies born by cesarean section.

Doctors recommend that normal delivery should be performed when there is no indication for a cesarean section. A cesarean section should not be performed at the mother's request before 39 weeks of pregnancy.

Because of the high rate of repeat cesarean sections, patients should be informed that the risk of placenta previa, placenta accreta, and hysterectomy increases with each subsequent cesarean section.

"Doctors need to find ways to advise pregnant women with the right advice, not to prevent cesarean sections but more importantly to support them to have a positive birth experience," said Associate Professor Du.

TH (according to VnExpress)
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The cesarean section rate is increasing due to fear of labor pain.