Authorized by the Prime Minister, Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra has just signed the Government's report to the National Assembly for consideration and comments on the contents of salary reform; adjustment of pensions, social insurance benefits, preferential benefits for people with meritorious services and social benefits from July 1, 2024.
The Government reports to the National Assembly for consideration and comments on the full implementation of two contents of salary reform in the enterprise sector in accordance with Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW, including: Adjusting the regional minimum wage according to the provisions of the Labor Code (increasing by 6%, effective from July 1, 2024); regulating the salary mechanism for state-owned enterprises (effective from January 1, 2025).
Implement salary reform according to Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW in the public sector in a gradual, cautious, and certain manner, ensuring feasibility and contributing to improving the lives of wage earners. In particular, assign the Government to implement the contents that are clear and eligible for implementation, including: Completing the salary increase regime, supplementing the bonus regime, regulating the funding source for implementing the salary regime, completing the salary and income management mechanism. Assign the Government to adjust the basic salary from the current VND 1.8 million to VND 2.34 million/month (increase of 30%) from July 1, 2024 (not abolishing the current basic salary and salary coefficient).
For state administrative agencies and units that are applying special financial and income mechanisms at the central level, we would like to request the National Assembly to assign the Government to direct the continued review of the entire legal framework to submit to competent authorities for consideration and decision on amending or abolishing the special financial and income mechanisms of agencies and units that are being implemented appropriately. During the period when these mechanisms have not been amended or abolished, the monthly salary and additional income will be implemented based on the basic salary of 2.34 million VND/month according to the special mechanism from July 1, 2024, ensuring that it does not exceed the salary and additional income received in June 2024 (excluding the salary and additional income due to the adjustment of the salary coefficient of the salary scale and grade when upgrading the grade or grade).
In addition, the Government also sought opinions on adjusting pensions, social insurance benefits, preferential allowances for meritorious people and social allowances from July 1, 2024 in the direction of increasing pensions and social insurance benefits by 15%. At the same time, for those receiving pensions before 1995, after adjustment, if the benefit level is lower than VND 3.2 million/month, the adjustment will increase by VND 0.3 million/month, if the benefit level is from VND 3.2 million/month to less than VND 3.5 million/month, the adjustment will be equal to VND 3.5 million/month. Preferential allowances for meritorious people according to the standard allowance level will increase from VND 2.055 million to VND 2.789 million/month (an increase of 35.7%); maintaining the current correlation between preferential allowances for meritorious people and the standard allowance level. Social allowance according to social assistance standard from 360 thousand VND to 500 thousand VND/month (increase 38.9%).
At the same time, expand the scope of using the accumulated salary reform resources of the central and local budgets to spend on adjusting pensions, social insurance benefits, preferential benefits for people with meritorious services, social subsidies, social security policies and streamlining payrolls.
Based on the Politburo's Conclusion, the Government proposes to include these contents in the Joint Resolution of the 7th Session of the 15th National Assembly.