Many opinions say that using the phrase 'specialized agencies of the National Assembly' is not suitable for the functions and nature of the activities of these agencies.
Continuing the working program at the 42nd Session, on the afternoon of February 6, the National Assembly Standing Committee gave opinions on the draft Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on the Organization of the National Assembly and 3 drafts: Resolution of the National Assembly on the organizational structure of the National Assembly's specialized agencies; Resolution of the National Assembly on the number of members of the 15th National Assembly Standing Committee (amended); Resolution of the National Assembly Standing Committee on the specific tasks, powers and organizational structure of the National Assembly's specialized agencies.
Presenting a summary report on a number of major issues and differing opinions during the process of drafting the Law on amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on the Organization of the National Assembly and draft resolutions on the organizational structure, tasks and specific powers of the National Assembly's specialized agencies, Chairman of the National Assembly's Law Committee Hoang Thanh Tung said that the majority of opinions agreed with the drafting of the National Assembly's Resolution on the organizational structure of the National Assembly's specialized agencies.
Accordingly, after the reorganization, the number of specialized agencies of the National Assembly includes the Council of Nationalities and 7 committees. There are opinions suggesting continuing to clearly stipulate in the Law on Organization of the National Assembly the number and names of the National Assembly committees to ensure the legal status of the agencies; the phrase "agency of the National Assembly" should be used instead of the phrase "specialized agency of the National Assembly."
The drafting committee found that, in the context of reorganizing the state apparatus and the need to innovate legislative thinking, not rigidly stipulating the number and names of the National Assembly agencies in the law is appropriate and convenient for continuing to reorganize, adjust, and ensure harmony in the organizational structure with the functions, tasks, and powers of the agencies; this issue was also approved by the Politburo when giving opinions on draft laws on apparatus organization.
The use of the phrase "specialized agencies of the National Assembly" is consistent with the functions and nature of the activities of these agencies.
Discussing at the meeting, delegates basically agreed with the arrangement plan of the Drafting Committee, however, many opinions said that using the phrase "specialized agencies of the National Assembly" is not suitable for the functions and nature of the activities of these agencies.
The delegates proposed not to call them specialized agencies of the National Assembly but to call them agencies of the National Assembly.
National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man agreed with the name of the agency of the National Assembly, and emphasized that the scope, tasks, and powers of the National Assembly, the Government, and State agencies in the field of law-making need to be clearly defined; only basic, principled issues should be regulated, and the contents stipulated in specialized laws should be suitable to the requirements, nature, and specific characteristics, ensuring effective State management in each field...
The National Assembly Chairman also noted the relevance of the Law on Organization of the National Assembly, the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of Local Government, so it is necessary to clearly define the scope, tasks and powers.
Concluding the meeting, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Khac Dinh said that the National Assembly Standing Committee agreed to keep the term "National Assembly agency" as in current law.
The Standing Committee of the National Assembly agrees with the principles and contents of the division of authority of the Council and the Committee as in the draft resolution.
In some areas and jobs such as religion and international treaty review, the National Assembly Standing Committee proposed to maintain stability for now, meaning that the agency previously in charge should transfer the status quo after the merger to continue implementation, avoiding disruption.
The Standing Committee of the National Assembly believes that the draft law, 3 draft resolutions and accompanying documents are eligible to be submitted to the National Assembly and the Standing Committee of the National Assembly for consideration and decision.
TB (according to VNA)