Labor shortage

March 16, 2021 06:55

Many businesses have resumed operations and have a large recruitment demand, but the current labor supply is quite scarce due to the impact of the epidemic.

Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, many people are still hesitant to find a job.

Great demand

Tinh Loi Garment Company Limited has the leading export turnover among garment enterprises in Vietnam. This is also the enterprise with the largest number of workers in the province with nearly 15,000 people. The Covid-19 epidemic has significantly affected the production plan in the first 6 months of the year, causing the company to lose hundreds of billions of VND. Like many other enterprises, this company is facing a serious labor shortage.

The representative of Tinh Loi Garment Company Limited said that the company urgently needs to recruit about 6,000 unskilled workers, but cannot recruit enough to meet the demand. Currently, more than 3,000 workers from other provinces have not returned to work. The company has also had many solutions to recruit such as increasing all recruitment costs, registering for recruitment through the Provincial Employment Service Center (Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs), posting recruitment on the company's Facebook page, but the results are still not very positive. To encourage workers to apply, the company also announced that it will reward new workers from 2-6 million VND.

Sumidenso Vietnam Co., Ltd. (Dai An Industrial Park) is also facing similar difficulties. This is a 100% Japanese-invested enterprise, specializing in the production and trading of electrical and electronic wires used in the electronics and automobile industries. The company has about 11,500 employees, but only about 60% of them have returned to work. Since the beginning of the month, the company started recruiting 200-300 workers, but by March 12, only 60 workers had been recruited. To ensure the quantity of goods delivered to partners, workers have to work overtime, which in the long run will affect their health and productivity. The company is still actively posting recruitment information on the company's Facebook page; at the same time, encouraging employees working at the company to introduce relatives and friends to apply.


According to the Provincial Employment Service Center, there are currently over 40 businesses registered to recruit about 23,460 workers. In February, only 684 people registered to find jobs through the center. The center has introduced 432 people, of whom 183 have found jobs.

The province has 13,600 enterprises with 370,355 employees. Of these, 234 are in industrial parks with 108,523 employees. Through a review by the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, before Tet, 505 enterprises had a total of 244,290 employees, but by March 10, only 318 enterprises had resumed operations, with 115,478 employees going to work.

According to the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, businesses are lacking labor for many reasons. The main reason is the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, most workers from other provinces have not returned to Hai Duong to continue working or have found jobs elsewhere, while the labor force in the province cannot meet the needs of businesses.

Some labor and employment experts said that not only ordinary workers but many FDI enterprises also lack labor resources such as experts, managers, technical staff... These are job positions that many Vietnamese people cannot take on.

On the other hand, the labor force is scarce due to social distancing, so workers in the province in epidemic areas have not returned to work. Workers are also still afraid of the Covid-19 epidemic, so they do not have the need to find jobs, causing difficulties for businesses and organizations to recruit.

To overcome this difficulty, the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs has issued a document requesting businesses with labor shortages to provide information and report on labor recruitment needs. This must include specific salary levels, job positions and other benefits for workers to refer to.

Deputy Director of the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs Bui Thanh Tung said that on March 20, based on information on business needs, the department will have plans to coordinate with related units to support labor introduction and supply. The Provincial Employment Service Center connects with Employment Centers in provinces across the country to provide full information and recruitment needs of businesses. Thereby, workers will be able to access information and find suitable jobs.

This March, the Provincial Employment Service Center will organize 4 regular job fairs; increase job consultation and referrals for workers who apply for unemployment insurance benefits. Promote job connections between job seekers and businesses in need through the website and social networks Facebook, Zalo...


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Labor shortage