
Explosion at pharmaceutical factory in India kills 7 people

VN (according to VNA) August 22, 2024 05:37

An explosion at a pharmaceutical factory in India killed at least seven people and injured 30.

Một người đàn ông bị thương sau vụ nổ. (Ảnh: PTI)
One man injured after the explosion

The explosion occurred on August 21 at a pharmaceutical factory in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.

According to local authorities, the explosion and fire occurred at the manufacturing plant of Escientia Advanced Sciences Company, covering more than 161,000 square meters, in Anakapalli district.

The injured were taken to hospital for emergency treatment.

The fire has now been largely contained. Authorities are investigating the incident to determine the cause of the explosion.

The pharmaceutical company Escientia Advanced Sciences has not made any statement on the above information.

VN (according to VNA)
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Explosion at pharmaceutical factory in India kills 7 people