Many children stay home from school due to influenza A, experts warn of infection symptoms

March 18, 2023 06:15

The number of influenza A cases has been increasing recently, especially in young children, with many provinces recording hundreds of students absent from school due to this disease.

Ms. Tran Thi Hang, whose child is studying at a private preschool in Dai Kim ward, Hoang Mai district, Hanoi, shared that 3 days ago, her child had a high fever with loss of appetite, fussiness, and the fever subsided for a few hours before recurring. After many days of ineffective medication, she took her child to the National Children's Hospital for blood tests and X-rays, which showed positive results for influenza A.

In Ms. Hang's son's class, 3 other students also showed symptoms of cough and fever for many days and were confirmed positive for this type of flu.

Not only children, many adults are also confirmed to be infected with influenza A. In the family of Mr. Trinh Xuan Quynh (24 years old, living in Long Bien district), 4 people have influenza A. He was the first person to be infected. Initially, he had a mild fever, then after a few hours, the fever increased, sometimes nearly 40 degrees Celsius, accompanied by body aches and loss of appetite.

Mr. Quynh had a high fever for 3 days without stopping. His mother and two children aged 4 and 2 later also showed similar symptoms. The whole family was hospitalized for influenza A.

Sốt cao không hạ là một trong những triệu chứng của cúm A. (Ảnh minh họa)

High fever that does not go down is one of the symptoms of influenza A.

Symptoms of influenza A

According to Associate Professor, Dr. Truong Huu Khanh, infectious disease expert, former Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases - Neurology, Children's Hospital 1, Ho Chi Minh City, influenza A often appears at the change of seasons. Patients often show symptoms of fever; muscle pain, fatigue; inflammation of the respiratory tract, sore throat, possibly accompanied by symptoms of the digestive tract (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea).

Especially in children with chronic diseases, poor immune system can cause complications such as ear infections, bronchitis, pneumonia.

Some symptoms of influenza A can be confused with other strains of influenza or a cold. However, if symptoms such as sore throat, cough, runny nose, fatigue, headache, chills, and body aches suddenly appear, they are often the most obvious signs of influenza A.

Most cases of influenza A do not require treatment and can recover on their own. In cases of high fever that lasts for many days, accompanied by loss of appetite and vomiting, you should go to a medical facility for examination. "The group that is more susceptible to influenza A is children and the elderly over 60 years old, or pregnant women, because they have weak immune systems," said Dr. Khanh.

Causes of influenza A

Influenza A virus can be transmitted directly from person to person through the respiratory tract. When an infected person coughs, sneezes, or even talks, nasal and throat secretions and saliva droplets carrying the virus are released into the outside environment, and healthy people who inhale them can become infected.

Contact with objects used by sick people such as tables, chairs... or sharing items is also a cause of rapid transmission of influenza A.

A fairly common cause is gathering in crowded places where the disease is easily transmitted, such as parks and schools.

Children are susceptible to influenza A.

How to deal with influenza A

According to Associate Professor, Dr. Truong Huu Khanh, depending on the time and severity, as well as the patient's progress, different treatment methods are given. People with influenza A who are treated properly will recover after about 3-5 days. People with influenza A in the early stages and not too many serious symptoms can be treated at home.

When treating at home, patients need to follow some of the following notes:

Patients should let their bodies rest as much as possible.

Limit cold foods and drinks, drink warm water, supplement with vitamin C and nutrients, eat a reasonable diet and eat foods that are easy to digest.

When the body has a fever, the patient needs to wear loose clothing to lower the body temperature and use warm water in all activities.

Avoid contact with people around you to avoid spreading the disease, limit going out or going to public places.

If home treatment lasts longer than 5 days and the patient shows no signs of improvement, they should go to a medical facility or hospital for treatment.

"In case the patient cannot be cured at home and has severe symptoms, they should go to a medical facility or hospital for examination and treatment," said Mr. Khanh.

How to prevent influenza A

According to doctors, the best way to prevent influenza A for children and families is to get a flu vaccine every year, especially for people with risk factors such as people over 65 years old, people with chronic diseases, and pregnant women.

In addition, it is necessary to improve personal hygiene, wash hands frequently with soap, cover mouth and nose when coughing, sneezing. Clean and open windows to ventilate living areas, classrooms, and offices. Avoid contact with people showing symptoms of illness, wear masks... are also effective measures to prevent influenza.

According to VTC News

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Many children stay home from school due to influenza A, experts warn of infection symptoms