
Many limitations in implementing the new general education program

According to Vietnam+ September 21, 2023 22:09

Slow progress in implementation and confusion in deployment, lack of staff and facilities are the shortcomings and limitations pointed out by the National Assembly Standing Committee in Resolution No. 686/NQ-UBTVQH15.

Nhieu han che trong thuc hien chuong trinh giao duc pho thong moi hinh anh 1
The new general education program is being implemented at all three levels.

A series of existing problems and limitations in the implementation of the new general education program of the education sector have been identified.Standing Committee of the National Assemblypointed out in Resolution No. 686/NQ-UBTVQH15 Thematic supervision of the implementation of Resolution No. 88/2014/QH13 and Resolution No. 51/2017/QH14 of the National Assembly on innovation of general education programs and textbooks.

30 months behind schedule

According to the National Assembly Standing Committee, in the context of many difficulties and challenges, the Government, the Ministry of Education and Training, ministries, branches, localities as well as the entire education sector have made efforts to implement Resolution No. 88 and Resolution No. 51, creating positive changes and achieving many important and remarkable results. However, besides the achieved results, the implementation of innovation in general education programs and textbooks still has shortcomings and limitations.

Specifically, the monitoring results show that there are 12 legal documents, directives and guidance documents for implementation that have not ensured progress; 18 contents have been assigned but implementation guidance documents have not been issued; 21 documents have contents that are not suitable for practical requirements; 7 documents are not suitable in terms of format. The strategies and plans for education development in the 2021-2030 period are slow to be approved, affecting the implementation of the Party's guidelines and policies and the State's laws and policies on education and training development.

New general education programissued 30 months later than required by Decision No. 404/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister. The apparatus for directing, organizing and implementing the development and appraisal of the new general education program and textbooks is not reasonable in terms of structure, composition and quantity, and must be changed many times. Experimentation and impact assessment of important innovative contents of the Program have not been focused on, implemented in a short time, on a narrow scope, and with low efficiency.

The regulation on the subject of History in the new general education program has caused outrage among the people, experts and scientists. The National Assembly had to discuss and pass resolutions on this content twice in 2015 and 2022.

The General Education Reform Support Project (RGEP) and the Pedagogical College Development Program to Improve the Capacity of Teachers and General Education Managers (ETEP) have low disbursement rates (23.05% and 63%, respectively), slow progress; investment capital must be canceled, the number of investment capital plans to be repaid is large; 3 contents in the component programs have not been completed; some project contents cannot carry out all activities as designed.

Confused in implementation

According to the National Assembly Standing Committee, the content of knowledge of some subjects and lessons has not been really streamlined, and still puts pressure on students. The design of integrated subject content at the secondary school level has not achieved its goals, mainly combining knowledge of subjects and using many teachers to teach together.

The policy of implementing the new general education program at all three levels simultaneously has led to a short preparation time, and the work of ensuring conditions for teachers, facilities, and equipment has encountered many difficulties and confusion. The organization of new subjects (Arts, Music, etc.) and educational activities have not fully met the set goals and requirements. The construction of subject combinations at the high school level is still inadequate, not fully meeting the requirements of career orientation and the needs of students.

Nhieu han che trong thuc hien chuong trinh giao duc pho thong moi hinh anh 2
Teaching integrated subjects in schools is confusing.

The results of innovation in teaching and learning methods in many educational institutions are not high, especially in areas with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions. Innovation in examinations, tests, and educational quality assessment has not kept up with the requirements of the new general education program.

The awareness and habits of a number of educational administrators, teachers and students regarding teaching methods, exams, tests and assessment of learning outcomes are slow to change. The ability of teachers to apply new teaching techniques and methods is uneven.

The system of regulations on examinations, tests, and assessments is not complete and does not meet the requirements for orientation in developing students' qualities and abilities. Regulations and instructions for high school graduation exams according to the 2018 General Education Program have not been issued, causing difficulties for students and teachers in orienting the selection of subject combinations at high school level and organizing teaching and learning.

Lack of teachers, lack of facilities

The situation of local surplus and shortage of teachers and lack of teachers to teach new subjects is common. The quality of teachers is uneven. Training and development for core teachers and full-time teachers to implement the 2018 General Education Program was carried out in a short time, with low efficiency, especially in the form of online training. Recruitment of general teachers is difficult and problematic, especially qualified teachers of Music and Arts.

In addition, the compilation, experimentation and appraisal of textbooks still have many shortcomings, causing public outrage. Facilities and teaching equipment have not met the requirements according to the issued standards. The number of classrooms that have not been solidified is over 59,500. The number of subject classrooms lacking at all levels is 63,920. The rate of meeting the requirements for teaching equipment according to the prescribed standards nationwide is low, on average only meeting 54.3%. The state budget has not fully ensured the investment needs to implement the innovation of general education programs and textbooks while the mobilization of social resources has encountered many difficulties and obstacles.

Nhieu han che trong thuc hien chuong trinh giao duc pho thong moi hinh anh 3
Teacher shortage is a major difficulty for the industry, especially at preschool and primary levels.

According to the National Assembly Standing Committee, the above shortcomings and limitations have objective causes because the development of a general education program is a new and difficult task, implemented right at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic is complicated, the number of general education institutions is large, and the scope of implementation is wide. In addition, the socio-economic conditions of different localities, the state budget for education investment is still limited, not fully meeting the needs. Policies and incentives for teachers are not attractive, making it difficult to attract and retain teachers, especially high-quality human resources.

However, there are also subjective reasons due to the limited awareness, qualifications and professional capacity of a number of cadres and teachers, which do not meet the requirements. Forecasting, planning and innovation roadmap are not close enough. Coordination between central and local ministries and branches is not close and regular.

Accordingly, the National Assembly Standing Committee determined that the Government is fully responsible for directing the implementation of innovation in general education programs and textbooks; the Ministry of Education and Training is primarily responsible for comprehensively advising on the implementation of innovation in general education; provincial-level People's Committees are responsible for shortcomings and limitations in directing the organization of compilation, appraisal, and publication of local educational materials, and the organization of selection of new textbooks for educational institutions, etc.

The National Assembly Standing Committee has proposed groups of tasks and solutions such as perfecting institutions and policies; improving the effectiveness and efficiency of state management of general education program innovation; and strengthening conditions to ensure the implementation of general education innovation.

According to Vietnam+
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Many limitations in implementing the new general education program