In 2025, the education and training sector has been, is and will be implementing the arrangement and streamlining of the organizational apparatus from the ministry to schools.
At the highest management level, the Ministry of Education and Training said that in 2025, the ministry will seriously implement and ensure progress in streamlining the organizational structure; at the same time, arrange and assign civil servants, public employees, and people working under labor contracts; proactively plan to receive personnel and units under the ministry's management.
According to the draft decree regulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training, the organizational structure of the Ministry is expected to be 19 units, a reduction of 4 units compared to the present. 5 departments are no longer available: Department of Physical Education, Department of Ethnic Education, Department of Continuing Education, Department of Facilities, Department of Science, Technology and Environment.
The two national universities have also gradually reorganized and streamlined their apparatus according to the general policy of the Central Government and the Government.
Professor Le Quan, Director of Hanoi National University said that streamlining the apparatus is difficult, complicated, sensitive but very necessary in the current context to avoid overlapping functions, wasting resources, reducing effectiveness and efficiency of work.
The Board of Directors of Hanoi National University and heads of some units have reported plans to reduce organizational units and staff: Hanoi National University plans to reduce 35-40% of departments and offices and 15% of staff; leaders of the University of Foreign Languages have reported plans to reduce 44% of unit units... In addition, Hanoi National University will be 100% self-sufficient in regular expenses from 2026.
Associate Professor, Dr. Vu Hai Quan, Director of Ho Chi Minh City National University, said that this unit has completed the project to arrange and streamline the organizational apparatus.
Regarding its affiliated units, Ho Chi Minh City National University merged the French University Center into the International Training Institute; merged the English Testing Center into the Testing and Training Quality Assessment Center; merged the Center for Water Management and Climate Change into the Institute of Environment and Resources; merged 3 units including the International Training Institute, the Pre-doctoral Training Center and the University Administration Institute into the Institute of Management Training and Research, then changed its name to the Institute for Leadership Development of Ho Chi Minh City National University; transferred the John Von Neumann Institute to the University of Natural Sciences for management.
Regarding functional departments, the University Department and the Postgraduate Department are merged into the Training Department; the Emulation and Reward Department is merged into the Personnel Organization Department.
The Director of Ho Chi Minh City National University also said that in the period of 2025 - 2030, this unit will continue to arrange and streamline its apparatus.
This meets three requirements: Reducing management units to ensure streamlined, effective and efficient operations; Increasing the number of financially autonomous units to reduce dependence on the state budget, reducing the number of people receiving salaries from the budget; Ensuring that training, scientific research and community service activities of Ho Chi Minh City National University are stable, continuous and achieve the highest efficiency.
Of which, Ho Chi Minh City National University will reduce 36% of internal management units, increase the number of financially autonomous units from 66% to 92%, and at the same time reduce the number of employees receiving state budget salaries to 8% - that is, only about 500 people.
The project also assigned heads of financially autonomous units to take the lead in developing a plan to streamline management units. Specifically, financially autonomous member universities will reduce 15-35%, and financially autonomous affiliated units will reduce 10-20%.
Not only national universities, other universities also streamline and arrange their internal apparatus to improve operational efficiency.
The University of Social Sciences and Humanities (Vietnam National University, Hanoi) will reduce the number of focal units from 46 (including 16 administrative units, 18 training units, 10 research centers, training cooperation, and 2 other units) to 30, corresponding to a reduction of 34.7%.
The school's leaders said that some major changes include: Merging units with similar functions and ending the operations of units that are no longer suitable; changing the functions and tasks of some units to be linked to training tasks and directly supporting training programs, ensuring consistency with the school's long-term development strategy.
In which, the Faculty of Anthropology will be merged with the Department of Religious Studies to form the Faculty of Anthropology - Religious Studies.
The Personnel Department will merge with the Party Committee Office. The proposed name of the department after the arrangement is the Personnel Department.
Functional offices such as the School Council office, the Trade Union office, the Youth Union - Student Association office, the Veterans Association office will be merged into the School Council Office and Unions...
Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport also eliminated the intermediate structure, dissolved 45 departments to comply with the provisions of the Law on Higher Education; merged specialized faculties, formed training management institutes, reducing from 14 faculties to 7 institutes; abolished the academic affairs model (from 14 focal points) and switched to a training consulting department under the Training Department.
Some units of the school merged as follows: Faculty of Information Technology and Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Telecommunications merged to form the Institute of Information Technology and Electrical and Electronic; Faculty of Political Theory merged into the Institute of Languages and Social Sciences to form the Institute of Languages, Political Sciences and Society...
With this restructuring, Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport has reduced 11 internal units (from 39 to 28 units), achieving a streamlining rate of nearly 30%. The school's leaders said that in the coming time, the school will continue to restructure and streamline its apparatus more drastically.
Not only streamlined, some universities and colleges were also merged.
At the end of 2024, the Prime Minister decided to merge Hai Duong Medical College under the People's Committee of Hai Duong province into Hai Duong Medical Technical University under the Ministry of Health; Nghe An Pedagogical College was also approved to merge with Nghe An University of Economics; at the same time, Nghe An University of Economics was renamed Nghe An University, under the People's Committee of Nghe An province.
VN (according to Vietnamnet)