After the government had a policy of transferring vocational education from the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to the Ministry of Education and Training, the Government drafted a decree stipulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training.
According to the draft, the Ministry of Education and Training is a government agency, performing the state management function for preschool education, general education, vocational education, university education, and continuing education.
The new point included in the draft is that the Ministry of Education and Training will regulate the development, appraisal, and promulgation of vocational education training programs; regulate other vocational training programs according to the provisions of the law on vocational education.
In addition, it regulates the compilation, selection, appraisal, approval and use of teaching materials and textbooks for higher education and vocational education.
The Ministry of Education and Training also issues standards for vocational education institutions; regulates the minimum amount of knowledge and capacity requirements that learners must achieve after graduation for each training level of vocational education.
At the same time, the Ministry stipulates the conditions, order and procedures for opening majors and suspending the operation of majors at all levels of higher education and vocational education; and stipulates the determination of enrollment targets at all levels of higher education and vocational education.
Some other tasks on vocational education and continuing education stated in the draft include: Guiding the development, appraisal and promulgation of national vocational skills standards; regulating the issuance of national vocational skills certificates.
In addition, according to the draft, the Ministry of Education and Training shall preside over and coordinate with the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Public Security to prescribe the program and content of national defense and security education in vocational training institutions and organize implementation; provide guidance on building a learning society and developing policies to promote lifelong learning.
Regarding the management of educational and training institutions, according to the draft, the Ministry of Education and Training also promulgates charters and regulations on the organization and operation of secondary schools, vocational education centers, national defense and security education centers and other educational institutions in accordance with the provisions of law; guides and organizes the implementation of regulations on the organizational structure of vocational education institutions.
The Ministry of Education and Training also decides to establish, permit the establishment, division, separation, merger, dissolution, and permit the operation of colleges and national defense and security education centers under colleges, establish representative offices of foreign vocational education organizations and institutions in Vietnam, and recognize principals of private colleges under its authority;
In addition, the Ministry of Education and Training performs the role of the direct management agency of national universities; submits to the Government specific regulations on the functions, tasks and powers of national universities; submits to the Prime Minister for promulgation of regulations on the organization and operation of national universities and member higher education institutions.
Ministry of Education and Training removes 5 departments, adds 1 department
The draft decree defines the organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training as 19 units, up from 23 previously. Specifically, 5 departments will no longer exist, including: Department of Physical Education, Department of Ethnic Education, Department of Continuing Education, Department of Facilities, Department of Science, Technology and Environment.
According to the draft, the Ministry of Education and Training will have an additional Department of Vocational Education and Continuing Education. Two units will be renamed: the Department of Political Education and Student Affairs will be renamed the Department of Students; the Department of Information Technology will be renamed the Department of Science, Technology and Information.
Thus, 19 units under the organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training are expected to include: Department of Preschool Education; Department of Primary Education; Department of Secondary Education; Department of Higher Education; Department of National Defense and Security Education; Department of Students; Department of Legal Affairs; Department of Organization and Personnel; Department of Planning and Finance; Office; Inspectorate; Department of Teachers and Education Managers; Department of Quality Management; Department of Science, Technology and Information; Department of International Cooperation; Department of Vocational Education and Continuing Education; Education and Times Newspaper; Education Magazine; Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences.
If approved and promulgated, this draft decree will replace Decree 86/2022/ND-CP of 2022 of the Government regulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training.
At the same time, abolish the regulations on vocational education stipulated in Decree 62/2022/ND-CP of 2022 of the Government stipulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs; abolish Decision 29/2017/QD-TTg of 2017 of the Prime Minister stipulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the General Department of Vocational Education under the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.
TH (according to Vietnamnet)