
South Korea expands visas, creates working conditions for international students

VN (according to VNA) June 21, 2024 15:08

South Korea wants to attract young workers to key industries to boost the economy as Seoul faces a labor shortage due to an aging population and low birth rate.

Thủ tướng Han Duck-soo, đầu tiên từ phải sang, chủ trì cuộc họp cấp bộ trưởng được tổ chức tại Khu phức hợp Chính phủ Sejong ngày 20/6. (Nguồn: Yonhap)
Prime Minister Han Duck-soo, first from right, chairs a ministerial meeting held at the Sejong Government Complex on June 20.

The South Korean government is drawing up plans to expand visa types and create more favorable employment conditions for the approximately 163,000 international students living and studying in the country.

The plan aims to attract talented young workers to key industries, contributing to economic growth as South Korea faces a labor shortage due to an aging population and low birth rate.

The news of the plan came after a meeting of government agencies overseeing the immigration and visa agenda, chaired by Prime Minister Han Duck-soo, in Sejong City.

Currently, foreign students graduating in Korea are only eligible for a limited number of visas, such as the E-7, which are issued for a limited number of specialized jobs.

Under the new policy, the Korean government plans to allow foreign students who graduate in Korea to apply for E-9, E-10 non-professional work visas, providing more flexibility in employment and allowing holders to stay in the host country longer.

Criteria for conversion, including applicants' education, assets and certificates, will be relaxed and the quota on visa numbers will be adjusted upwards.

For D-10 visa holders, those looking for work after completing their university studies here will have a maximum visa of three years.

Currently, D-10 visa holders are allowed to stay for an initial 6 months and can extend the period up to 2 years.

For students seeking jobs in the shipbuilding sector, which is facing a chronic labor shortage, the government aims to help them get hired immediately after completing certain training programs.

Companies will also be able to fill vacancies created by employees on maternity or paternity leave with students.

Parents of foreign students will be facilitated to apply for E-8 seasonal worker visas so that families can live together.

To increase efficiency in handling the task of serving foreign students and workers here, the Korean government will establish a special committee of officials in July.

South Korean officials said the entire plan is under construction and is expected to be approved by the end of next year.

There are currently about 560,000 foreigners in the country on work visas, and Prime Minister Han Duck-soo said the number is expected to increase further.

South Korea is facing a population crisis, with its population aging and fewer people having children.

South Korea's fertility rate - the number of children a woman has in her lifetime - will fall to 0.72 in 2023, making it the only member of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) with a rate below 1.

VN (according to VNA)
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South Korea expands visas, creates working conditions for international students