
Netherlands closes valve on Europe's largest gas field

According to Tin Tuc newspaper October 1, 2023 21:00

On October 1, the Netherlands officially stopped exploiting natural gas from the Groningen field in the north of the country - the largest gas field in Europe.

Chú thích ảnh
Gas pipeline system at the gas extraction facility near Garelsweerd, Groningen province, Netherlands

Mining over the past 60 years has caused many earthquakes in the area and is likely to continue.

Previously, local authorities had to maintain the operation of the last 11 mining units at the Groningen mine for another year before closing it completely as a precaution in case of a "too harsh" winter amid persistent geopolitical tensions. The decision to close the mine was announced in 2018, but by 2022, Dutch authorities were forced to postpone closing the valves due to the instability of the global energy market due to the impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

The Groningen mine has been in operation since 1963. Over the past 20 years, local residents have suffered from numerous low-intensity, shallow earthquakes that have caused much damage. The earthquakes are caused by vacuum pockets formed during gas extraction.

In addition to the earthquakes, many people in the region have suffered psychological problems due to gas extraction, according to Jan Wigboldus, chairman of the Groningen Gas Council, a local association that campaigns to help earthquake victims.

According to Shell Oil Company, about 2,300 billion cubic meters of gas have been extracted from the Groningen field, bringing in profits of up to 429 billion euros (equivalent to more than 454 billion USD) in the period from 1963 to 2020. Of which, 85% of the profits have been transferred to the National Treasury.

According to Tin Tuc newspaper
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Netherlands closes valve on Europe's largest gas field