Reviewing support policies on community land, residential land, agricultural land, production and business land for ethnic minorities in Hai Duong province is one of the contents at the August meeting of Hai Duong Provincial People's Committee (2nd time) on the morning of August 5.
Regarding this content, the Provincial People's Committee agreed on the necessity to issue support policies to comply with the new regulations of the 2024 Land Law, which takes effect from August 1, and Decree 102/2024/ND-CP dated July 30, 2024 of the Government detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Land Law.
Comrade Luu Van Ban, Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to clarify where the number of more than 11,000 ethnic minorities is specifically distributed, and to have a specific list of beneficiaries of this policy concentrated in the two communes of Bac An and Hoang Hoa Tham of Chi Linh, mainly the Hoa and San Diu ethnic groups. Assign the Department of Natural Resources and Environment and the Provincial People's Committee Office to complete the submission; coordinate with Chi Linh City to immediately review arising issues, difficulties, and obstacles that need to be resolved when implementing this resolution.
According to the report of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, the subjects of this policy include ethnic minorities in ethnic minority and mountainous areas without land for community activities. Individuals who are ethnic minorities belonging to poor households or near-poor households in ethnic minority and mountainous areas are in one of the following cases: have no residential land, no more or lack of residential land compared to the residential land allocation limit as prescribed by the Provincial People's Committee; have no agricultural land, no more agricultural land or the agricultural land area in use is less than 50% of the agricultural land allocation limit; have a need to rent non-agricultural land for production and business. Agencies performing the function of state management of land, agencies, organizations and individuals related to the implementation of support policies.
Specifically, the province will arrange land for community activities to each village where there is no land for community activities according to the province's regulations and policies in accordance with customs, practices, cultural beliefs and actual conditions of each ethnic group and each locality.
Regarding residential land support: In case there is no residential land or no more residential land, the land user will be allocated residential land or the land use purpose will be changed from another type of land that is being used legally to residential land within the residential land allocation limit as prescribed by the Provincial People's Committee and the land use fee will be exempted. In case there is a shortage of residential land compared to the residential land allocation limit as prescribed by the Provincial People's Committee, the land use purpose will be changed from another type of land that is being used legally to residential land within the residential land allocation limit as prescribed by the Provincial People's Committee and the land use fee will be exempted.
Regarding agricultural land support, there are 2 cases: In case there is no agricultural land, no more agricultural land or the agricultural land area in use is less than 50% of the agricultural land allocation limit, the state will allocate agricultural land within the limit and will not collect land use fees.
In case there is no more agricultural land or the agricultural land area in use is less than 50% of the agricultural land allocation limit and the State cannot arrange land fund, if there is a need to rent non-agricultural land other than residential land for production and business, the land can be rented and the land rent will be exempted.
In case there is no more agricultural land or the agricultural land area in use is less than 50% of the agricultural land allocation limit and the State has arranged land fund for communication but there is no need to communicate agricultural land but there is a need to rent non-agricultural land other than residential land for production and business, the land can be leased and the land rent will be reduced by 50%...
In addition to the above support policies, ethnic minorities who are eligible for support under this Resolution are also supported with funds to conduct land surveying, prepare cadastral records, issue land use right certificates, ownership rights of assets attached to land and other expenses to implement land policies.
According to information from the Provincial Statistics Office, the Departments of Home Affairs, Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, the People's Committee of Chi Linh City and Kinh Mon Town, there are nearly 11,000 ethnic minorities of 53 ethnic groups in the province, living scattered in all 12 districts, cities and towns in the province.
In the province, there are only 2 communes, Bac An and Hoang Hoa Tham (Chi Linh), which are communes in area I of ethnic minorities and mountainous areas with a total of 3,419 ethnic minorities, 191 households including San Diu, Chinese and Tay people. According to the results of the periodic review of poor and near-poor households at the end of 2023, in the province there are 27 poor ethnic minority households (including 76 people), 31 near-poor ethnic minority households (83 people)...
In recent years, there has been no spontaneous migration, so localities do not have to arrange land allocation for new households. In fact, ethnic minority households in Chi Linh are currently using over 1,000 hectares of agricultural and forestry land for production, an average of about 1.3 hectares/household, and no household lacks land for agricultural and forestry production.
Also at this meeting, the Provincial People's Committee considered and discussed a number of notable contents: Draft Resolution of the Provincial People's Council Stipulating criteria for deciding to conduct bidding to select investors to implement investment projects to build new urban areas or renovate and embellish urban areas and rural residential area projects in Hai Duong (reported after the first August meeting of the Provincial People's Committee). Handling of documents related to organizing bidding to select investors to implement the Da Mai urban residential area construction investment project, Binh Han ward (Hai Duong city); Implementation status of Plan No. 2288/KH-UBND dated June 18, 2024 of the Provincial People's Committee on performing tasks and solutions to increase the rate of participation in social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance of workers in the province; proposing to develop a Resolution regulating tuition support for vocational education students in the province; Report on promulgating the Project "Developing labor relations in Hai Duong province until 2025 and the period 2026 - 2030"; report on promulgating the (temporary) Regulations on organization and operation of the Hai Duong Provincial Children's Support Fund; report requesting approval to adjust and supplement costs in the road maintenance list using road traffic career capital in 2024; plan to resolve difficulties for 3 projects invested by Ha Hai Tourism Construction Joint Stock Company; Progress of implementation, site clearance of projects in the central area of Hai Duong city: Project for investment in construction of internal roads and site clearance of the city's central urban area - Area 2, Project for investment in infrastructure of resettlement area and site clearance of the central area of Pham Ngu Lao ward - Area 1, Project for investment in construction and expansion of Nguyen Trai street and site clearance of the city's central urban area - Area 1 (Diamond Land) and proposed implementation plan for projects at the above locations according to the planning...