
Universities are not allowed to offer distance learning in education and health.

According to VnExpress January 6, 2024 18:37

Universities are not allowed to offer distance learning in health fields, professional certifications, or teacher training programs.

This content is included in the Regulations on distance learning at university level, issued by the Ministry of Education and Training at the end of 2023, effective from February 12. This is also a new point compared to the old regulations. In addition, schools are only allowed to provide distance learning in licensed majors and enroll at least three regular courses.

Meanwhile, according to the old regulations issued in 2017, distance learning schools in all majors were allowed to provide regular training. This shows that the new regulations are stricter.

Sinh viên khối ngành sức khoẻ của Đại học Văn Lang. Ảnh: Website nhà trường

Health student of Van Lang University

The requirements for teaching staff and facilities are also specified in detail by the ministry. Accordingly, schools must ensure the quantity, quality, and qualifications of lecturers and managers, support their learning, and foster their skills and methods of remote teaching. Guest lecturers are only allowed to teach a maximum of 30% of the program.

In addition, universities must have technical rooms with full equipment for distance learning systems; have systems for managing enrollment, training and granting degrees; have libraries and electronic libraries with full textbooks and documents; have enough main and supplementary learning materials for the first two years of the program...

The Ministry of Education and Training also issued regulations to suspend distance learning activities - something that was not previously specified. Schools will be suspended from distance learning if they do not meet one of the above minimum requirements. The suspension period ranges from 6 months to one year.

Distance learning programs have been implemented in Vietnam since 1993. The first schools allowed to offer this program were Hanoi Open University and Ho Chi Minh City Open University. Before the new circular, the Ministry of Education and Training issued distance learning regulations in 2003 and 2017 with increasingly strict and specific regulations, especially on minimum conditions to ensure quality.

According to VnExpress
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Universities are not allowed to offer distance learning in education and health.