The proposal to exempt tuition fees for teachers' children is receiving many opinions from the public, including readers of Hai Duong Newspaper, with the majority disagreeing.
Although the press has widely reported the interview content of Mr. Vu Minh Duc, Director of the Department of Teachers and Educational Managers (Ministry of Education and Training) about the reason for proposing tuition exemption for biological and legally adopted children of working teachers, public opinion is still very interested, with many opinions not completely agreeing.
The above proposal was widely reported after the second meeting to give opinions on the draft Law on Teachers of the National Assembly Standing Committee on October 8. At that time, the Ministry of Education and Training - the drafting agency - proposed the above content, based on the age of teachers and the estimated age of their children, the estimated expenditure is about 9,200 billion VND per year.
On October 9, just 5 hours later, Hai Duong Newspaper Fanpage posted a status“Proposal to spend 9,200 billion VND to exempt tuition fees for teachers' children”The article received over 700 interactions and nearly 500 comments... The above numbers show that many people are interested in this information.
Then, on October 11, when Mr. Vu Minh Duc's explanation was published in the press, Hai Duong Newspaper Fanpage posted the status line"The proposal to exempt tuition fees for teachers' children is the wish of teachers"Along with the article content, by October 13, it had received 615 interactions and over 450 comments...
Here are some comments from readers on the above status lines: “Teachers’ children are just like other people’s children. When the salary increases to a level that is enough to live on, everyone has the responsibility to support their parents and children. It cannot be proposed like that”; “Preferential treatment for teachers in remote areas and teachers in difficult circumstances is fine…”; “Millions of workers and laborers also want their children to be exempted from tuition fees… All Vietnamese citizens are equal”…
Speaking to the press, Mr. Vu Minh Duc said that the above proposal is similar to special incentives for relatives of soldiers. Accordingly, the Ministry of Education and Training started from a number of reasons, firstly from the common wishes of the teaching staff when the Ministry sought opinions. Secondly, in reality, there are industries with special characteristics, which are preferential for relatives of people working in the industry. For example, relatives of officers and soldiers in the armed forces are exempted from health insurance.
Responding to the mixed opinions this proposal is receiving, Mr. Vu Minh Duc also said:,This is in the process of law making and it is completely normal for public opinion, voters and people to contribute their opinions.
Admittedly, being a teacher is a difficult job. Not to mention that among the more than 1.05 million teachers receiving salaries from the national budget, there are currently many teachers working in remote areas, islands, mountainous areas... with many disadvantages, difficulties, and hardships. The income of the majority of teachers in general does not really meet the needs of life...
However, compared to other forces in society, there are still many children, children of workers, farmers, laborers... who are also facing difficulties and disadvantages.
Therefore, it is easy to understand and agree with the majority of public opinions, including readers of Hai Duong Newspaper, about not completely supporting the above proposal.
Tuition exemption and reduction, support for students have been implemented by localities, sectors and levels through many specific policies and activities. According to Decree 81/2021/ND-CP stipulating the mechanism for collecting and managing tuition fees for educational institutions in the national education system and policies on tuition exemption and reduction, support for learning costs; service prices in the field of education and training effective from October 15, 2021, there are currently 2 subjects who do not have to pay tuition fees, 19 subjects are exempted from tuition fees and some subjects are reduced tuition fees according to the percentage.
Several provinces and cities across the country have implemented tuition exemptions and reductions for all students at all levels. Specifically, Quang Ninh has just become the fifth locality in the country to completely exempt public tuition fees from kindergarten to grade 12. Previously, Khanh Hoa spent 75 billion VND to exempt tuition fees for public kindergarten and general education, including the continuing education system this school year...
Thus, it can be seen that exempting tuition fees for teachers' children is not an urgent matter, and is not a special group that needs immediate support. Not to mention, since July 1, teachers nationwide have received salaries ranging from 4.9 to nearly 15.9 million VND per month, depending on the level of education and rank. Teachers also have better conditions than many other forces in terms of time and in raising children.
Early and public information in the press and on social networking platforms about the proposal to exempt tuition fees for teachers' children is an opportunity for the drafting agency to listen to and accurately and fully absorb the opinions and aspirations of the majority of people in order to consider, advise, and make appropriate proposals.
And, hopefully the voices of the majority of people will be heard - as Mr. Vu Minh Duc affirmed to the press: "We will carefully evaluate the impact of the policy, the conditions to ensure the country's socio-economic situation, the harmony between the policy and teachers and civil servants in other sectors and professions to make appropriate adjustments."
The above proposal is one of many contents being proposed in the draft Law on Teachers which will be submitted to the National Assembly for comments at the 8th Session, opening on October 21.