
Germany-Italy tensions over migration

According to Tin Tuc newspaper September 29, 2023 20:20

German-Italian tensions are hampering an EU deal on new rules to tackle Europe's migration crisis.

Chú thích ảnh
EU interior ministers fail to reach consensus on migration

Disagreements between Germany and Italy have delayed a much-anticipated deal on the final part of the EU's proposed migration reform, reported on September 28.

Several diplomats familiar with EU negotiations on the issue said the disagreement focused on humanitarian aid and search and rescue services provided by non-governmental organization ships in the Mediterranean Sea.

The Italian government sees the vessels as a “pull factor” that attracts large numbers of asylum seekers to European shores. Germany disputes this view, saying such boats are indispensable in saving migrants at sea.

The row prevented a majority needed to reach a provisional agreement on the so-called “Crisis Regulation” at the end of a meeting of EU interior ministers in Brussels, despite many statements suggesting a positive outcome. The regulation sets out special rules to collectively manage the massive influx of migrants.

Spain, which currently holds the rotating presidency of the EU Council, has put forward a new compromise text after Germany signalled it would no longer support the rule as it had previously.

But a surprise row with Italy over wording regarding NGOs dashed hopes, leaving EU interior ministers without an announcement. The meeting of EU interior ministers in Brussels came after a fresh migrant crisis in Lampedusa, Italy.

“We are almost there,” Fernando Grande-Marlaska, Spain’s acting interior minister, said after the meeting. “There are just small differences. I don’t want to single out individual countries. We just need a little more time.”

EU member states have made “important” and “substantial” progress in the past few days and a deal will materialise “in the coming days”, Grande-Marlaska said.

For her part, European Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson said: “There are no major political obstacles. We will reach an agreement."

As of 28 September, four countries had voted against the Crisis Regulation – Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland – while three others were considered to have abstained – Germany, the Netherlands and Slovakia.

Under the proposed Crisis Regulation, member states would be allowed to adopt tougher measures when a sudden wave of migrants threatens to overwhelm the EU's asylum system.

EU governments will be able to hold asylum seekers at the border for longer periods while their international protection claims are considered. Detention of rejected applicants could also be extended beyond the statutory maximum of 12 weeks until repatriation is complete.

However, this has been criticised by NGOs as they argue that it could lead to mass detention, undermine the quality of asylum procedures and increase the risk of deportation.

According to Tin Tuc newspaper
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Germany-Italy tensions over migration