Banh chung is often considered the "culprit" causing weight gain, however, if eaten properly, you can still maintain your desired figure after Tet holiday.
Banh chung is an indispensable dish during Tet, however, eating too much will make you gain weight. A banh chung weighing nearly 1 kg has 4 food groups: sticky rice (carbohydrate group); pork, green beans (fat group, protein group), onion, pepper (vitamin and mineral group).
An average banh chung weighing about 1 kg will have 2,600 kcal. If you eat 1/8 of a banh chung, you will consume about 300 kcal. Thus, 1/8 of a banh chung is equivalent to a breakfast of 1 bowl of vermicelli with meatballs (about 350 kcal), 1 bowl of pho (about 500 kcal).
However, few people eat 1/8 of a banh chung. In each Tet meal, people often eat about 1/4, or even 1/2 of a banh chung. Thus, the amount of kcal consumed will increase significantly. Not only that, instead of eating traditional boiled banh chung, many people have the habit of eating fried banh chung because they have a more delicious and attractive taste.
Fried banh chung with oil often accumulates a lot of fat. Eating a lot can cause bloating, flatulence, indigestion and make you gain weight quickly, because every 10 grams of oil adds 90 kcal.
Many people "wrongly blame" banh chung for causing weight gain, but if you eat it properly, you can still maintain your desired figure after Tet holiday.
However, we often “blame” banh chung. If you follow a balanced and adequate diet, banh chung cannot be the cause of weight gain. It is reasonable to eat only about 1/8 of a cake per meal.
In addition, during meals, you often add many other foods such as meat, greasy spring rolls, fried ham, which are very high in energy. Besides, during Tet, in addition to meals, every time you go out, you also eat sweets (cakes, candies, soft drinks, etc.), oily seeds (peanuts, walnuts, macadamia nuts, etc.) - although these are good fats, they are high in energy. Eating a lot of these foods also causes weight gain.
Therefore, eating banh chung or other foods needs to be balanced. If you eat a lot of banh chung, you must limit high-energy foods and vice versa. If you eat banh chung during Tet, you should not eat other starchy foods such as rice, sticky rice, bread. In addition, you should also limit fried and stir-fried foods in that meal.
How to eat banh chung depends on each person's physical condition and nutritional status. For example, overweight people who want to lose weight should eat less, thin people should eat a little more. However, you should only eat 1/8 of a banh chung because you also eat other foods in your meal.
Eating banh chung at night can easily cause bloating, indigestion, and easy accumulation and conversion into excess fat. Banh chung is best eaten for breakfast and lunch. Because at this time the body still has to work a lot, helping to consume less energy. When eating banh chung, eat in moderation. If you wrap the banh chung yourself, your family should use lean meat instead of fatty meat.
Although it is possible to limit weight gain from eating banh chung, obese people or those on a diet should not eat banh chung.
For families who do not like or do not cook banh chung but use sticky rice - the energy is also equivalent. Accordingly, sticky rice and white rice have almost the same energy, about 350 kcal/100 grams. However, sticky rice will collapse when cooked, so a bowl of sticky rice will have more energy than a bowl of white rice. Therefore, eating a lot of sticky rice will also gain more weight than eating white rice.
According to Vietnamnet