
Why is the weather in the North still cool like late spring at the end of May?

HA (according to VTC News) May 25, 2024 08:12

In May 2024, the North will experience many days of thunderstorms, the weather will be cool like the last days of spring with the highest temperature not exceeding 32 degrees Celsius.

Dù đã lập Hạ được gần 20 ngày nhưng thời tiết miền Bắc những ngày này vẫn mát mẻ. (Ảnh minh hoạ: Minh Đức)
Although it has been nearly 20 days since summer, the weather in the North these days is still cool.

After the intense heat wave of late April, Hanoi and the northern provinces and cities experienced the beginning of summer with consecutive days of thunderstorms, some places with heavy to very heavy rain. Many days, the highest temperature did not exceed 32 degrees Celsius, the weather was pleasant and cool like late spring. At night, the lowest temperature in some places dropped to only 23 degrees Celsius.

This weather pattern surprised many people because previously, the meteorological agency predicted that in May, the low pressure in the West would be active, so in the Northern region and the provinces from Thanh Hoa to Phu Yen, there would be many hot and extremely hot days, some places especially extremely hot.

Associate Professor, Dr. Phan Van Tan, Department of Hydrometeorology and Oceanography, University of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, said that the weather in May this year is similar to the early summer days of 2022. The rains are said to be one of the reasons why the weather in Hanoi and the northern provinces has remained cool for many days.

"The recent rains are due to a combination of many weather patterns, mainly the intrusion of cold air from the North, the activity of the Meiyu front cloud band in the North and the tropical convergence zone moving north in the Central region,"PS.TS Phan Van Tan said.

Explaining the cool weather in the North in recent days, a representative of the Hai Phong Hydrometeorological Station said that this May, cold air appeared thicker.

"The North and Central regions have experienced widespread heat waves, with many places experiencing temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius. However, this May is different as cold air appears thicker than usual, causing rain and a drop in temperature.", representative of Hai Phong Hydrometeorological Station said.

A meteorological expert from the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting said that it is currently the transitional season, there are still cold waves causing rain so the weather is cool.

"June-July, when summer begins, there will be more hot sunny days,"information specialist

According to statistics from the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, in May, the heat wave will only last in the Central and South Central regions on May 1-2. On May 3, the heat wave will narrow and only occur locally.

Meanwhile, from May 1 to 13, the North had continuous widespread thunderstorms, with some days of moderate to heavy rain. On May 4, 7 and 11, there was intermittent rain. In the first half of the month, the total rainfall in this region was 100-200% higher, and in some places 200% higher than the average for the same period of many years.

On May 2-4, 6-7 and 10-13, thunderstorms will spread from Thanh Hoa to Thua Thien Hue. The Central Highlands will have scattered showers and thunderstorms from May 2-5, with some places experiencing moderate to heavy rain. The South will have scattered showers and thunderstorms on May 4-5, May 7-9, May 11 and May 13.

From now until the end of May, the heat wave will decrease nationwide. Thunderstorms in the North will continue, with heavy to very heavy rain in some areas from the night of May 27 to 31.

According to forecasts, in June, heat and severe heat are likely to increase again in the North and Central regions. In the South, the southwest monsoon tends to become stronger, so rain may increase in the Central Highlands and the South.

In addition, the meteorological agency said that from now until the end of June 2024, El Nino will turn to a neutral state with a probability of 80-85%. From July and August 2024, ENSO will gradually turn to La Nina state, with a probability of 65-75%.

From now until August 2024, 3-5 storms or tropical depressions may appear in the East Sea, of which about 1 will make landfall. The whole country continues to be on guard against dangerous weather phenomena such as thunderstorms, tornadoes, lightning, hail and strong gusts of wind.

HA (according to VTC News)
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Why is the weather in the North still cool like late spring at the end of May?