
Soul broken divinity

NGUYEN HOA (st) April 29, 2024 10:00

Two gas company servicemen, one elderly and one young, were making an inspection in a suburb.

They parked at the end of the street and walked to each house. After checking the gas line at the last house, the older worker suggested a race to the parking space to prove he could outrun the younger man.

While they were running at full speed towards the car, they noticed the woman from the house they had just left running after them, panting and shouting. They stopped and asked:

- What's the matter, ma'am?

- God, I was wondering what was going to happen. When I saw you two running like that, I thought, I'd better run too!

About what?

The old man, who used to be a track and field athlete, bragged to the young athletes about his glorious golden age:

- I remember when I was young, I ran 50 kilometers to slap the guy who stole my lover.

- So then, you ran back again?

- No! We're going back by… ambulance.

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Soul broken divinity