
National training for teachers on integrated teaching and learning

According to Vietnam+ December 9, 2023 14:12

The implementation of new subjects appearing in the secondary school curriculum, starting from the 2021-2022 school year, but teaching and learning new subjects still causes confusion for schools.

Việc tập huấn nhằm giúp tháo viên tháo gỡ khó khăn trong dạy học tích hợp. (Ảnh: PV/Vietnam+)
The training aims to help teachers overcome difficulties in integrated teaching.

The Ministry of Education and Training will organize a national training course on organizing the teaching of Natural Sciences, History and Geography, and Career Guidance Experience Activities tomorrow morning, December 10.

The training session was conducted in the form of online connection from the Ministry of Education and Training to all local bridges on the "Virtual Classroom" training platform.

The training session was attended by leaders of departments and offices of education and training, leaders and specialists of secondary education departments, leaders of secondary schools and teachers of subjects such as Natural Sciences, History and Geography, Experiential activities, career guidance...

These are new subjects that have appeared when the Ministry of Education and Training implemented the new general education program at the secondary level, starting from the 2021-2022 school year. Although it has been implemented for 3 school years, teaching and learning new subjects still causes confusion for schools and teachers as many teachers have not been trained to teach new subjects, or have only been trained for a short time.

At the online meeting between Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son and teachers nationwide ahead of the 2023-2024 school year, many teachers shared their difficulties in teaching new subjects. Teachers asked the Ministry of Education and Training to find solutions to support teachers and schools on this issue.

Sharing the difficulties of teachers, Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son said that the Ministry will provide professional support for teachers. The Minister also said that there may be adjustments in the implementation of integrated subjects, especially Natural Sciences.

According to Vietnam+
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    National training for teachers on integrated teaching and learning