
Health of 2 people who suffered smoke inhalation in Hanoi karaoke bar fire worsens

VN (according to Vietnam+) December 19, 2024 10:12

Four people in the Hanoi karaoke bar fire are being treated at the hospital, including three people suffering from smoke inhalation and one person with severe burns.

Hiện trường vụ cháy tại căn nhà nằm trên đường Phạm Văn Đồng, quận Bắc Từ Liêm. (Ảnh: Phạm Tuấn Anh/TTXVN)
The scene of the fire at a house on Pham Van Dong Street, Bac Tu Liem District. (Photo: Pham Tuan Anh/VNA)

Early morning of December 19, according to the Director of Hanoi 115 Emergency Center, immediately after receiving information about the fire at 258 Pham Van Dong Street, Co Nhue 2 Ward, Bac Tu Liem District (Hanoi), 115 Emergency Center mobilized 2/3 of its existing force, including 9 ambulances with 31 medical staff and 2 ambulances from E Hospital and Nam Thang Long Hospital to promptly rescue the victims.

As of the morning of the same day, 4 people in the fire were being treated at the hospital, including 3 people with smoke inhalation treated at Hospital E and 1 person with severe burns treated at Hospital 198.

Of the 3 people who suffered from smoke inhalation, 2 were more seriously ill and their health condition deteriorated.

Currently, doctors are focusing all resources on emergency treatment and treating the victims in the best way possible.

Information from the Bac Tu Liem District Police (Hanoi) on the morning of December 19 said that the authorities quickly arrested Cao Van Hung, 51 years old, the suspect who set fire to the karaoke bar above.

VN (according to Vietnam+)
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Health of 2 people who suffered smoke inhalation in Hanoi karaoke bar fire worsens