For poetry lovers

Childhood colors

NGUYEN NGOC PHU June 13, 2024 14:00

The colors of childhood are most clearly imprinted in the summer, leaving many memories in each of us.


Summer morning glory flowers
Purple sparkle in the dress
The downpour came
Tilapia slit up the yard.

Summer sunshine is very yellow
Long sunny sandy beach
The river through the dry season,
The water is vast and vast.

Summer bright joy
After many days of effort
Ten points red test
Sparkling eyes!


Of the four seasons in a year, summer is the season that leaves beautiful memories in the children's memories. It is the season of the final exams, the final year of school, and also the only time that children have a break from school in the year. Poet Ta Vu has a short but lively poem "Summer", fresh with many summer colors, with the excitement, excitement, and innocence suitable for children's age. A freedom, a rather delicate way of feeling and looking at things of the poet has made summer shine brightly with open spaces like the generosity of nature, sparkling with the soul of childhood.

At the beginning of the poem, the poet finds the sparkle, not the glimmer, of the morning glory flowers in the pond: “In summer, morning glory flowers/ Purple sparkle in the pond”. Writing about summer, many people describe the red color of the royal poinciana flowers and the chirping of cicadas, but here the poet's very sensitive "antennae" shine on a simple flower like a daily dish every hot summer day.

Here we pay attention to the purple color of the flower, perhaps this image reminds you of the purple ink in a student's notebook. A quiet purple color, lingering but strangely gentle and simple. From that sparkling purple color, the poem reaches a higher level, which is a downpour: "The downpour falls/ The perch cuts into the yard". Obviously, this is not just a rainstorm but also evokes childhood memories, the scene of catching fish when the downpour falls, the water rises and floods the yard, bringing with it the fish in the pond. The perch are characterized as very sturdy fish with bristling fins, so the verb and action "cutting up" used in this context is very appropriate.

From the vegetable pond at home, the summer space is expanded: "Summer sunshine is very yellow/ The long sandy beach is dazzlingly sunny", from the purple color of the flowers to the "very yellow" shade of the sun. Here, "sun-shining sand" is very appropriate, creating a truly magnificent and brilliant scene. The sun-shining sand is because the sand contains many sparkling glass and crystal beads. A beautiful perspective between the sandy beach and the river: "The river through the dry season/ The water is vast and immense". The water or the restless souls of the children are filled with the joy of summer when they can swim freely on that immense river. Here, the water from the pond to the rain and the water overflowing the immense river are gradually raised to the levels that cool the children's souls, spreading out with the innocent steps of childhood.

The last verse is a bright red color of 10 points, a sparkling nucleus like a red seal certifying the summer achievements that the children have achieved: "Summer is bright with joy/ After many days of hard work!". Just one image of "bright with joy" evokes so much excitement, enthusiasm, and freshness. The word "shade" to indicate the mood is a rather delicate and sensitive way of expression of the poet. If the purple color of morning glory flowers and the yellow color of sunlight are the colors of nature and life, then the red color of 10 points is an artificial color, the result of the children's studies: "The red test is 10 points/ Sparkling with many eyes!". The poem ends but the image of "Sparkling with many eyes" still looks on as if wanting to share and sympathize with so much joy. A summer is as beautiful as a painting with the colors: purple, yellow, red, so bustling and innocent, so fresh with spreading spaces.

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Childhood colors