Van Toan said the idea of printing pictures of autistic children on shirts is to widely introduce their works and stories to everyone and at the same time increase people's awareness of autistic children.
Missing the exhibition of paintings by autistic children "April of Hope" due to his busy schedule, last night, April 19, football player Van Toan went to Megan Art Gallery No. 1 Thai Ha to choose and buy some paintings by special child artists.
Feeling lucky to still have the opportunity to visit and admire some of the remaining works in the exhibition, Van Toan said he was extremely surprised to see that the artists' paintings were not only beautiful but also expressed many stories and dreams of the children.
Impressed with the works here, Van Toan said he not only bought the paintings but also came up with the idea of taking the motifs in these works to print on T-shirts of his fashion brand VATO9's Zone.
“I hope this idea will receive support from everyone so that Toan and his fashion brand can help children earn more income from shirt sales, creating motivation to help prolong the dreams of these special young artists,” Van Toan shared.
Previously, on the occasion of World Autism Awareness Day, the painting exhibition "April of Hope" was held on April 17, including 60 paintings by autistic children in the volunteer painting class of artist Luong Giang.
The paintings show the efforts, perseverance and endurance of autistic children on their long journey from the first scribbles to creating meaningful paintings about their lives and dreams.
Van Toan said that the entire cost of buying the paintings will be given directly to the young authors. The idea of printing paintings on T-shirts will help widely introduce to everyone the works as well as the stories of special young artists and at the same time increase people's awareness of autistic children.
According to research by the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that one in every 100 children worldwide has autism spectrum disorder. This is a neurodevelopmental disorder that impairs communication skills, speech, and the development of social relationships... Autistic children have problems with behavior, interests, and rigid, stereotyped habits. They have many difficulties integrating with the world around them.
Therefore, April 2nd of every year is chosen by the United Nations as World Autism Awareness Day with the aim of calling on the community to increase attention and understanding of this disorder, helping autistic children to be detected early, treated, loved more and integrated into life more easily.
HA (according to Vietnam+)