Hai Duong weather forecast: cloudy, light rain at night and morning, scattered drizzle and light fog, no rain during the day.
According to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, on March 2, the North will have fog and drizzle in the early morning and at night. The Northwest will have hot and sunny places. The South will have hot and sunny days, with showers and thunderstorms in the late afternoon and at night.
Weather forecast for regions across the country:
Hai DuongCloudy, light rain at night and in the morning, scattered drizzle and light fog, no rain during the day. Cold at night and in the morning. East wind level 2 - 3. Lowest temperature 17 - 18 degrees Celsius. Highest temperature 23 - 24 degrees Celsius.
Drizzle and fog reduce visibility when participating in traffic. The period of light rain and drizzle is likely to last longer, making humidity always high.
NorthwestCloudy, sunny during the day, especially in the Northwest region, some places have hot sun; light rain at night in some places; early morning, some places have fog. Light wind. Cold in the early morning and at night. Lowest temperature 18 - 21 degrees Celsius, some places below 17 degrees Celsius. Highest temperature 25 - 28 degrees Celsius; especially in the Northwest region, 31 - 34 degrees Celsius, some places above 35 degrees Celsius.
NortheastCloudy, with scattered drizzle and light fog in the morning, sunny in the afternoon; rain in some places at night. Light wind. Cold in the early morning and at night. Lowest temperature 18 - 21 degrees Celsius, in mountainous areas below 17 degrees Celsius. Highest temperature 23 - 26 degrees Celsius, in some places above 26 degrees Celsius.
Area fromThanh Hoa to HueCloudy, with rain in some places, sunny in the afternoon; foggy in the early morning in the north. Light wind. Cold in the early morning and at night in the north. Lowest temperature 19 - 22 degrees Celsius. Highest temperature 25 - 28 degrees Celsius, some places above 28 degrees Celsius.
Provinces and cities fromDa Nang to Binh ThuanCloudy, sunny during the day, some showers at night. Light wind. Lowest temperature in the north 21 - 23 degrees Celsius, in the south 23 - 26 degrees Celsius. Highest temperature 28 - 31 degrees Celsius, in the south some places above 31 degrees Celsius.
AreaCentral HighlandsCloudy, sunny during the day, some showers at night. Light wind. Lowest temperature 17 - 20 degrees Celsius. Highest temperature 30 - 33 degrees Celsius, some places above 34 degrees Celsius.
Southern VietnamCloudy, sunny during the day, some places have hot sun; showers and thunderstorms at night in some places. Light wind. Lowest temperature 23 - 26 degrees Celsius. Highest temperature 31 - 34 degrees Celsius, some places over 35 degrees Celsius.