Finance - Banking

Hai Duong provides additional 72.6 billion VND to eliminate temporary and dilapidated houses

PV February 21, 2025 07:09

The above funding will help policy families, poor and near-poor households in Hai Duong build and repair houses according to regulations.

Ngôi nhà của gia đình ông Phạm Văn Thiết ở thôn Tiên Lý, xã Yết Kiêu (Gia Lộc) trước và sau khi được sửa chữa
The house of Mr. Pham Van Thiet's family in Tien Ly village, Yet Kieu commune (Gia Loc) before and after being repaired.

The People's Committee of Hai Duong province has just allocated 72.6 billion VND from the provincial budget reserve in 2025, supplementing with a target for districts, towns and cities (first time) to carry out the elimination of temporary and dilapidated houses in the province.

Accordingly, 782 households building houses were supported with 60 million VND/house, costing over 46.9 billion VND; 856 households repairing houses were supported with 30 million VND/household, amounting to nearly 25.7 billion VND.

Gia Loc district received the most support with nearly 9.6 billion VND; Tu Ky district and Kinh Mon town each received nearly 8.6 billion VND...

Districts, towns and cities of Hai Duong have reviewed and approved 1,638 households eligible for housing support, including: 984 households of meritorious people and relatives of martyrs (of which 380 households built new houses and 604 households repaired houses); 654 poor and near-poor households (402 households built houses; the rest repaired).

As of 5 p.m. on February 17, Hai Duong had started construction and repair of 715 houses (43.6% of the plan), including 334 houses started construction and 381 houses started repair. It is estimated that by the end of February, Hai Duong will complete 140 houses (11 newly built houses and 129 repaired houses).

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Hai Duong provides additional 72.6 billion VND to eliminate temporary and dilapidated houses