Science - Technology

EU adopts first global treaty on artificial intelligence governance

TB (according to VNA) May 18, 2024 10:14

The AI ​​Framework Convention sets out the legal framework for all stages in the development and use of AI systems, and addresses the potential risks of AI.

Ảnh minh hoạ. (Nguồn: Ủy ban châu ÂU)

On May 17, the European Council (EC) adopted the first legally binding global treaty on regulations governing the use of artificial intelligence (AI).

The Framework Convention on AI sets out a legal framework for all stages in the development and use of AI systems, while addressing the potential risks of AI and promoting responsible technological innovation, the EC said in a statement.

The statement stressed that countries outside the European Union (EU) could also join the treaty.

The treaty was adopted at the annual meeting of the EC Committee of Ministers, attended by foreign ministers of the 46 member states.

EC Secretary General Marija Pejcinovic said the Framework Convention on AI is the first global treaty to ensure that AI is used responsibly, in accordance with the rule of law and protecting people's rights.

According to the EC, the treaty requires parties to ensure that AI systems are not used to undermine institutions. Transparency and oversight requirements will include identifying AI-generated content for users.

The convention is the result of two years of work by an intergovernmental body, bringing together 46 member states of the EC, the EU and 11 non-EU countries - including the US, as well as representatives of academia.

The Framework Convention on AI is expected to be signed at a conference of EU Justice Ministers in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius in September.

Previously, last March, the European Parliament (EP) passed rules governing the use of AI, especially popular AI systems such as ChatGPT by the US company OpenAI.

TB (according to VNA)
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    EU adopts first global treaty on artificial intelligence governance