Recipe for making spicy and crispy kimchi with authentic Korean flavor

April 13, 2023 08:41

Some recipes for making crispy, fragrant, sweet and spicy kimchi are extremely appealing.

There are many recipes for making authentic Korean kimchi. Here are some simple ways to make it at home.

1. How to make Korean cabbage kimchi

Korean cabbage kimchi is sour, spicy, fragrant and crunchy.

Ingredients for making Korean cabbage kimchi:

2 large cabbages weighing about 3kg

2 carrots

1 medium onion

1 large white radish

1 garlic bulb

1 piece of ginger

A little green onion (can be replaced with chives)

100 gr glutinous rice flour

1.5 liters of filtered water

100 grams sugar

150 ml fish sauce

250 gr salt

150 gr Korean chili powder (adjust to taste)

How to make Korean cabbage kimchi

Peel and wash the white radish, carrots, onions and green onions. Dice the onions and puree them with the garlic and ginger. Cut the green onions into 3cm long pieces. Shred the white radish and carrots into bite-sized pieces.

Wash and remove the stems of the cabbage, then split it in half or into quarters as desired. Then, dip the cabbage in water before sprinkling salt on the white part of the cabbage so that it is soft and supple and does not break. Be careful not to sprinkle salt on the green cabbage leaves because this part will easily spoil early in the fermentation process.

Rinse the cabbage in water about 2-3 times to reduce the saltiness. Do not squeeze the cabbage to avoid crushing it, then drain.

While the cabbage is draining, make the kimchi sauce. To make the kimchi sauce, heat a mixture of 1 liter of water and glutinous rice flour. Stir constantly to prevent the mixture from burning. When the mixture boils, add sugar and continue stirring until it boils, then turn off the heat and let cool.

When the mixture has cooled, add Korean chili powder and stir well for about 20 minutes, then add the prepared ginger, garlic and onion. Add fish sauce and stir well.

Add green onions, carrots, and daikon to the kimchi sauce. Spread the sauce mixture all over the white part of the cabbage. Be sure to spread evenly so that the cabbage absorbs the rich sauce.

Finally, put the kimchi in a plastic or glass container for storage. Let the kimchi ferment at room temperature for about 2 days, then put it in the refrigerator so that the kimchi has the right amount of acidity.

How to make radish kimchi

Crispy and spicy radish kimchi awakens all the senses

Ingredients for making radish kimchi:

Large white radish (about 2-3kg)

3cm chopped green onion

50 grams salt

5 gr glutinous rice flour

100 gr Korean chili powder (can be changed to taste)

3 - 4 minced shrimp

3 teaspoons minced ginger

3 tablespoons minced garlic

3 tablespoons fish sauce

How to make radish kimchi

Peel, wash and cut the white radish into bite-sized pieces.

Sprinkle salt on the prepared white radish and mix well - leave for about 40 minutes.

While waiting, boil 5g of glutinous rice flour with a little water to get about 3 tablespoons of sticky dough. Mix this dough with the remaining ingredients (except white radish and green onion).

After 40 minutes, the original white radish will release water. Drain off all the salt water so the kimchi is not too salty. Note: do not wash the white radish again.

Put the white radish in a large bowl, then pour in the prepared spice mixture and green onions. Mix well to let the kimchi absorb the spices.

Similar to cabbage kimchi, you should also store radish kimchi in an airtight container (plastic or glass). Wait for the radish kimchi to ferment for about 2 days at room temperature before putting it in the refrigerator to eat gradually.

How to make cucumber kimchi

Cucumber kimchi soaked in spicy sauce has a numbing taste, very unique to the taste.

Ingredients for making cucumber kimchi:

1 kg cucumber

1 tablespoon salt

1 little chives

1/4 onion

1 teaspoon roasted sesame

1/2 teaspoon ginger

2 teaspoons minced garlic

1 tablespoon sugar

1 tablespoon shrimp salt

1 tablespoon fish sauce

3 teaspoons Korean chili powder (adjust to taste)

How to make cucumber kimchi

Thinly slice onion. Cut chives into 3cm pieces.

Soak cucumber in clean water for about 10 minutes, then remove and pat dry. Cut cucumber into 8 bite-sized pieces.

Sprinkle salt over the cucumbers, mix well and wait 30 minutes; then, drain all the salt water without rinsing.

Put the cucumbers in a large bowl and mix well with all the prepared spices. For cucumber kimchi, you just need to wait 3-4 hours or leave it overnight to enjoy.

How to make bok choy kimchi

Bok choy kimchi is a great accompaniment to the main dish.

Ingredients for making kimchi with bok choy

500g bok choy

1/2 red onion, thinly sliced

2 green onions, cut into bite-sized pieces

20g salt

30g Korean chili powder (can be changed to taste)

15ml fish sauce

5g sesame oil

10g sugar

1 little minced ginger

10g minced garlic

2.5g sesame

Cut off the roots and old leaves of the Chinese cabbage, wash and drain; then, sprinkle salt on each leaf and marinate for about 30 minutes to soften.

Mix all the spices in a large bowl.

Wash the bok choy and drain. Then mix the bok choy, onion, green onion and seasoning together. Mix well to make the kimchi more flavorful. At this stage, you can season to taste.

Bok choy kimchi is best fermented for about 1 or 2 days. Kimchi will turn sour if left for more than 2 weeks, so you should only make kimchi in moderate quantities.

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Recipe for making spicy and crispy kimchi with authentic Korean flavor