Through the supervision of the Standing Committee of Hai Duong Provincial People's Council, planning work in the three localities of Binh Giang, Kinh Mon, and Chi Linh all have long delays.
On June 7, the Standing Committee of Hai Duong Provincial People's Council continued to supervise the topic of urban planning management in Chi Linh City, Kinh Mon Town and Binh Giang District.
Through monitoring, it shows that planning management work in these 3 districts, towns and cities still has limitations.
According to the report of Kinh Mon Town People's Committee, the work of establishing and adjusting the town's general planning project and urban zoning planning is still slow and prolonged.
This is also a limitation of Binh Giang district when planning the district area. Currently, the district is completing the district area planning for approval by higher authorities and building a general urban construction plan.
In Chi Linh City, although there have been many changes, the work of establishing, appraising and managing planning projects still has many limitations. Resources for urban development according to approved planning are not large, and investment is not commensurate with the level. Technical infrastructure in residential areas and urban areas has a long construction period and is not synchronized.
The leaders of the Hai Duong Provincial People's Council requested the People's Committee of Kinh Mon town to urgently organize the preparation, submission for appraisal and approval of the adjustment of the general planning of Kinh Mon town to 2040 (2nd time), ensuring compliance with the approved provincial planning. At the same time, promptly develop a plan and organize the implementation of the urban development program, organize the preparation and implementation of urban development investment projects, and urban embellishment according to the planning and plan.
The People's Committee of Binh Giang district needs to urgently revise and complete the district's regional planning until 2030, with a vision to 2050. At the same time, deploy the construction of the general urban planning of Binh Giang until 2023, with a vision to 2045.
The People's Committee of Chi Linh City shall promptly develop, submit for appraisal and approval the regulations on urban architecture management, regulations on rural residential area architecture management in the area and organize the implementation of the regulations in accordance with regulations.