How can running boost brain processing?

December 27, 2021 11:15

A research team from Tsukuba University (Japan) has discovered that just 10 minutes of moderate-intensity jogging can help the part of the brain that plays an important role in controlling mood and executive functions.

Physical activity has many benefits, such as improving mood. Among them, running has always played an important role in human health. Research published in the journal Scientific Reports has proven that.

However, researchers have yet to closely examine the effects of running on brain regions that control mood and executive functions.

Physical activity has many benefits, such as improving mood.

“With the level of executive control required to coordinate balance, movement and propulsion while running, there will be an increase in neuronal activation in the prefrontal cortex, and other functions in this region will benefit from the increase in brain resources,” explains Professor Hideaki Soya.

The team used the Stroop Color Word Test (Stroop effect) and collected data on hemodynamic changes associated with brain activity while participants performed each task.

For example, in one task, irrelevant information is presented, i.e. the word red is written in green, and the participant must name the color rather than read the word aloud. To do so, the brain must process both sets of information and inhibit irrelevant information. The Stroop effect is quantified by the difference in response times for this task and response times for a simpler version of the task - naming color patterns.

According to the study results, after 10 minutes of moderate-intensity running, the duration of the Stroop effect was significantly reduced. After running, participants reported feeling in a better mood.

“This is supported by findings of random activity in the prefrontal cortex region involved in mood regulation,” said study author Chorphaka Damrongthai.

This study sheds light not only on the current benefits of running, but also on the possible role these benefits played in human evolutionary history.

According to VOV

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How can running boost brain processing?