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App Store is not registered in China

According to VnExpress September 29, 2023 21:04

The list of 26 registered app stores in China includes Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo, Huawei and even Samsung, but not Apple's App Store.

On September 28, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) published a list of validly registered app distribution platforms on its website, including business details. However, Apple was not listed despite being the fourth largest phone brand in the country.

Biểu tượng cửa hàng App Store hiển thị trên iPhone. Ảnh: TechBit

App Store icon displayed on iPhone

The CAC’s app store registration rules, which will be introduced in August 2022, require app distribution platforms to submit certain information to the authorities. App stores are required to monitor the apps inside and refuse to upload software that “contains illegal information or bad content.” In addition, companies with app stores are also required to “cooperate and assist in supervision and inspection” when requested by the CAC or other regulatory agencies.

In August, China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that businesses that fail to register their app stores between September and March will be fined. However, the ministry did not specify the fine.

Requiring app providers to submit detailed information about their businesses and business models has raised concerns among some independent developers. Li An, who runs a studio in Beijing, said the application process takes 20 days — too short a time to meet government requirements. He also said the move would stifle domestic innovation and hinder access to foreign software.

Beijing has tightened internet regulation in recent years, seeking to restrict everything from online education to video games. The number of apps has also plummeted. There were 2.6 million apps operating in China at the end of last year, down 25% from 3.5 million in 2020.

According to VnExpress
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    App Store is not registered in China