Dishes like steamed fish and shrimp with beer or beef in red wine sauce are often mixed with many other spices so the alcohol content is not as much as when drunk directly.
In fact, sweet or fermented fruits such as grapes, durian, pineapple, apples, and syrups all contain alcohol, but very little.
Consuming these foods does not affect driving, but still causes alcohol in the breath. To avoid blowing the concentration of alcohol, you just need to rest for 30 minutes, rinse your mouth, and drink more water.
We cannot calculate exactly how long after eating alcoholic foods or drinking alcohol, the alcohol content in the breath and blood will disappear, because this content depends on each person's body and eating habits.
According to regulations, when you drive, your alcohol concentration must be 0. If you eat food steamed with beer or wine and the police blow your breath, you can ask to blow again after 15 minutes of rest and drinking more water.
Based on the common reality of alcohol consumption in most countries around the world, the World Health Organization (WHO) introduced the concept of alcohol unit.
One unit of alcohol is equivalent to 10g of pure ethanol, equal to 200ml of beer; 75ml of wine (1 glass); 25ml of spirits (1 cup). Depending on the amount of alcohol consumed, it will be converted to approximately how many units of alcohol. For adults with normal health, every 1 hour, the liver will eliminate 1 unit of alcohol. This is an average number. Depending on each person, such as people with weak livers, people with higher than average weight, this period of time can increase or decrease.
There is currently no exact figure for how long after drinking alcohol you can drive, or how long after drinking alcohol the alcohol concentration in the body is gone. Depending on each person, the exact time to completely eliminate alcohol from the body will be different.
Compiled by HQ