
3 sentences successful people never say

HA (according to VnE) June 2, 2024 10:04

Psychologists say that successful people often have at least one thing in common: their inner monologue is always positive and optimistic.

Steve Jobs và Bill Gates là những doanh nhân thành công điển hình. Ảnh: LinkedIn
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are typical successful businessmen.

According to experts, it can be a key factor in achieving success, because it's hard to achieve something important if you're constantly telling yourself you can't. Research shows that negative self-talk also has long-term effects over time, leading to anxiety, depression, and affecting self-esteem.

Here are three toxic phrases that successful people never say.

I don't deserve success

An April 2020 study in the US National Library of Medicine found that more than 80% of people suffer from Imposter Syndrome. This is a state where people doubt their success, wonder if they deserve it, and fear that others will discover that they are not as good as they are.

According to Christina Helena, public speaking expert and TEDx speaker, people with this syndrome often use phrases like ''I don't deserve this success'' or ''I don't deserve this.

Helena advises asking yourself why you believe you don't deserve success. If your goals don't fit into someone else's blueprint for success, acknowledge that feeling and let it go.

Once you identify where that attitude comes from, it will have less power over you. “Success looks different to everyone. You have to decide whether you deserve the good things in life and what you’re willing to work for,” Helena says.

I am not as good as them

In a world where people constantly post their best moments on social media while avoiding talking about their struggles and failures, you believe they are better than you.

You find yourself never measuring up to the person you admire and tell yourself ''I'm not as good as them'' or ''I'll never have the life they have''.

Instead of focusing on the fact that you're not as pretty, funny, or creative as someone else, focus on the value you can bring, says Emma Seppälä, a lecturer at Yale University.

Your jokes may be a little off at times, but you're warm and people feel comfortable around you. You may not speak five languages, but your Excel spreadsheet skills are unmatched.

If you need help figuring out what you admire about yourself, ask people around you to share what they appreciate most about you. ''It will boost your self-esteem, help you understand your strengths and what others value about you,'' Seppälä advises.

I don't change, this is me

According to psychologist Cortney Warren (former associate professor of psychology at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV)), if you constantly tell yourself "I won't change" or "This is who I am," you are limiting your ability to learn.

People with low emotional intelligence tend to be more rigid and will resist efforts to change or grow. “Strong beliefs are important, but so is being open to new possibilities,” she says.

HA (according to VnE)
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3 sentences successful people never say