Traffic – Urban areas

From July 1, people can present their driving documents via VNeID.

TH (according to Vietnamnet) June 29, 2024 21:50

When people present information on documents that have been integrated and updated in the electronic identification card or electronic identification account, the traffic police will conduct inspection and control through the information in the electronic identification card.

People are allowed to present documents via VNeID from July 1.

Checking information via VNeID is as valuable as checking documents directly.

On June 29, the Ministry of Public Security issued Circular 28/2024/TT-BCA amending and supplementing a number of articles of Circular No. 32 regulating the tasks, powers, forms, contents and procedures for patrolling, controlling and handling administrative violations of road traffic by traffic police and Circular No. 24 regulating the issuance and revocation of registration and license plates of motor vehicles.

Notably, this new circular has amended and supplemented Point a, Clause 2, Article 12 on the control of documents related to people and means of transport.

Specifically, the documents include: Driver's license; certificate of training in road traffic law, license, certificate of driving specialized motorbikes; vehicle registration certificate or certified copy of vehicle registration certificate with original receipt from credit institution still valid (during the period the credit institution holds the original vehicle registration certificate); inspection certificate, technical safety and environmental protection inspection stamp, certificate of validity of inspection certificate and inspection stamp (for types of vehicles that are required to be inspected); certificate of compulsory civil liability insurance of motor vehicle owners...

When the information of the documents has been integrated and updated in the electronic identity card, electronic identification account on the National Identification Application (VNeID) in the database managed by the Ministry of Public Security, the inspection and control will be carried out through the information in the electronic identity card, electronic identification account on the National Identification Application (VNeID), database; the inspection of the information of the documents in the electronic identity card, electronic identification account on the National Identification Application (VNeID), database has the same value as directly checking that document.

Traffic police must directly board the vehicle to check passenger cars carrying 10 or more people.

The Circular also amends and supplements Clause 3, Article 18 on notifying vehicle drivers and passengers of the reason for inspection; requesting vehicle drivers to present relevant documents for inspection.

Specifically, in case the vehicle driver or vehicle owner presents information of documents that have been integrated and updated in the electronic identification card, electronic identification account on the National Identification Application (VNeID), in the database managed by the Ministry of Public Security, the inspection and control will be carried out through the information in the electronic identification card, electronic identification account on the National Identification Application, and database.

Traffic police officers must go into the passenger compartment to check vehicles carrying 10 or more passengers.

If the vehicle driver or owner presents paper copies of documents, the documents will be checked and directly compared and the information related to those documents will be looked up in the administrative violation handling database system and other databases.

In addition, for passenger vehicles with 10 seats or more, and passenger vehicles with dimensions equivalent to those of passenger vehicles with 10 seats or more, traffic police officers and soldiers must directly enter the passenger compartment to conduct inspection and notify the inspection results.

TH (according to Vietnamnet)
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    From July 1, people can present their driving documents via VNeID.