The Government issued Decree No. 59/2025 stipulating criteria and standards for considering early promotion to the rank of general for officers of the Vietnam People's Army.
The Decree clearly states that the promotion of generals ahead of schedule must be carried out uniformly and synchronously in the army, and that cases with especially outstanding achievements and outstanding achievements in combat and work must be promptly and accurately encouraged.
The Decree states that consideration for promotion to the rank of general will only be given when the officer's current rank is two or more ranks lower than the highest rank of the position or title he or she is holding, which is the rank of general. During the term of holding a position, consideration will only be given for promotion by one rank. Promotion to the rank of general ahead of schedule will be given when the officer's current rank is lower than the highest rank of the position or title he or she is holding.
The criteria for medals, exceptionally outstanding and outstanding achievements to be considered for promotion to the rank of general ahead of schedule are achievements in combat, combat service and work recognized in the form of commendation or state honorary titles, state awards according to the provisions of the Law on Emulation and Commendation (excluding forms of commendation based on seniority or dedication).
The time of being awarded medals, state honorary titles, and state prizes must be within the term of holding the current military rank.
In case an officer achieves many achievements during his/her term, only the highest achievement will be applied to consider promotion to a higher rank or ahead of schedule.
Criteria and standards for consideration of promotion to the rank of general
The Government stipulates that officers whose current military rank is two or more ranks lower than the highest military rank of the position or title they are holding, which is the rank of general, and who have made exceptionally outstanding achievements will be considered for promotion to a higher military rank when awarded one of the forms of commendation.
These are: Forms of medals: Gold Star Medal, Ho Chi Minh Medal, First Class Independence Medal, First Class Military Exploit Medal, First Class Labor Medal, First Class Fatherland Protection Medal, First Class Feat of Arms Medal; State honorary titles: Title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces, Title of Hero of Labor; Ho Chi Minh Prize.
The Decree clearly states that special cases not specified above will be considered and decided by competent authorities.
Criteria and standards for considering early promotion to general rank
According to Government regulations, officers are considered for promotion to the rank of general ahead of schedule when they meet the criteria and standards for promotion to the rank of general above the prescribed level, but their current rank is one level lower than the highest rank of the position or title they are holding. The time of consideration is after the officer has a decision on commendation.
In addition, according to regulations, those who have made outstanding achievements will be awarded one of the following forms: Independence Medal, Second Class, Third Class; Military Exploit Medal, Second Class, Third Class; Labor Medal, Second Class, Third Class; Fatherland Protection Medal, Second Class, Third Class; Military Exploit Medal, Second Class, Third Class; Bravery Medal. The time for early promotion must not exceed 24 months.
Special cases not specified above shall be considered and decided by competent authorities.
TH (according to Vietnamnet)