
Love the tree in stormy days

VU THANH HUNG September 24, 2024 14:00

Storm No. 3 passed, seeing the trees broken, uprooted, fallen, scattered, and withered, I felt so sorry for the trees!

Storm No. 3 causes many trees in Hai Duong to fall down

Our planet is three-quarters ocean, one-quarter land. On that precious land area, humans and all kinds of plants, animals grow, survive, and depend on each other. The rich and diverse vegetation creates a rich, cool green color for the Earth. Trees give us shade on hot summer days. Trees block wind and storms. Trees prevent erosion. Trees give fragrant flowers, sweet fruits, nutritious seeds, and young leaves. Trees are a valuable food source in the food chain that nourishes humans and all living things. Trees give valuable medicine to cure diseases. Trees give wood to build houses and make beautiful and durable objects. Where there are trees, there is life.

Thôn Phong Trạch (nay là thôn Phong Kim) thuộc xã An Phú, huyện Nam Sách ngày nay. Ảnh: VĂN TUẤN
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There are hundreds of thousands of different species of trees, from grasses that grow close to the ground to trees that reach high up to the clouds, from species with large leaves to species with small leaves, from herbs with soft stems to sturdy ancient trees, from species that live in clumps or bushes to species that live alone, from species that are planted by people to species that grow wild... all have names. Whoever knows the names of more species of trees, surely that person has a richer and more abundant life experience.

If anyone loves trees, they will notice that trees are very similar to humans. The roots are the legs. The trunk is the body. The branches are the arms. The leaves are the eyes. The sap is the blood. Flowers and fruits are the way trees reproduce to maintain the species. Trees borrow the rustling wind to speak, sometimes peacefully and affectionately; sometimes playfully and happily; sometimes angry and painfully... Trees cling to the ground, diligently, thriftily, steadfastly, and persistently. Trees also have ages and life cycles. Young trees, mature trees, old trees, and then they die. Ancient woody plants, the older their life cycles, the stronger and more valuable their wood. Lim, sen, tau, doi, de... are exploited by humans for their wood to build houses and doors, which is also the way trees reincarnate to live with humans, turning into useful objects. There are species of trees that, when alive, serve as homes for ants, bees, weasels, and squirrels, but when they fall, they still leave behind precious aromatic agarwood.

Minh họa GĐXH
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Trees have been with people for generations. Trees are familiar to people in the garden, in the village, on the street. Many species of trees such as banyan, bodhi, dinh trong, tre pheo... have become symbols of villages, become memories and nostalgia of people far from home. The old acacia trees, the fruit-laden banyan trees, the clusters of bright red royal poinciana have been close and familiar to many generations of people under the beloved roof of the school. Wherever there are people, there are trees. Wherever there are trees, there is life, there are memories. I believe that in the memory of any person, there is more than one memory, more than one nostalgia, more than one love affair about a tree that they have met and been close to in their life.

Trees are not inanimate or unconscious. You have to be sensitive and listen to see. On normal days, trees work silently and diligently, contributing in their own way. On stormy days, trees struggle to withstand the wind's fury. The historic storm No. 3 just passed through the North with gusts of wind of over level 17, the strongest ever seen. Looking at the tree leaning and flexibly resisting the storm, I see how resilient the tree is! Looking at the tree breaking, uprooting, falling, scattered, and withered, I feel so sorry for the tree! But when the storm passes, as long as there are still roots clinging to the ground, and a few leaves for photosynthesis, the tree will heal its wounds and miraculously revive. New leaves will grow, new branches will be born, from fallen fruit, thousands, millions of young trees will grow, the green color will be immense as if there had never been any incident or pain. The vitality of trees, of nature, is so miraculous and wonderful!

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Love the tree in stormy days