
What delicious, in-season fruits are available in October?

VN (according to VTC News) October 18, 2024 18:37

With a temperate climate, October is not only the time of changing seasons but also an opportunity to enjoy typical fruits such as grapes, bananas, persimmons, grapefruit, and dragon fruit.


Regularly eating fruit not only helps enrich daily meals but also contributes to protecting health and maintaining body shape. When autumn comes, it is also the time when many types of fruit begin to ripen, bringing many choices. Below are some types of fruit that are in season, fresh and delicious, suitable for buying and enjoying.


October is the time when grapes are harvested. Famous grape growing regions such as Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan and Da Lat provide juicy, sweet grapes. Grapes are not only delicious but also very nutritious, containing lots of vitamin C and antioxidants. You can easily go to the market to choose fresh bunches of grapes to eat directly, make juice, or process into delicious dishes such as salads.

There are many delicious grapes with diverse varieties on the market today.


Persimmons, especially crispy persimmons, are also in harvest season in October. The ripe, crispy persimmons are sweet and slightly sour, making them easy to eat. Persimmons are not only delicious but also very good for your health, helping to improve your digestive system and providing lots of vitamin A. In some places, persimmons are also processed into many unique dishes such as dried persimmons and soft persimmons.

Persimmon harvest time is from mid-September to early December, especially this tree will lose its leaves before fruiting.


Grapefruit, especially the five-fruited grapefruit, is one of the most popular fruits in October. The round grapefruits have yellow skin, delicious and juicy flesh, very suitable for the cold autumn days. Grapefruit is not only delicious but also has a cooling effect, is good for the digestive system and helps beautify the skin. Grapefruit juice is also very good for weight loss.

A delicious grapefruit has a shiny, tight, slightly yellow outer skin and a round shape.


In October, pears from northern regions such as Lang Son and Son La begin to bear fruit. Pear is crunchy, sweet and juicy, making it a great choice for those who enjoy fresh fruit. In addition, pears also have many health benefits, such as helping to improve digestion and boost the immune system.

Quả lê tròn trái, có lốm đốm chấm là quả ngon. (Ảnh: Bruno Scramg)
Round pears with speckled spots are delicious.


Plums are also a typical fruit of October. Ripe, bright red plums with an attractive sweet and sour taste are usually harvested in late September and October. Plums are not only delicious but also very good for health, providing vitamin C and fiber. Plums can also be processed into jam for long-term use.

Ở các tỉnh miền Bắc, mận đỏ thường sai quả nhất vào vụ tháng 10. (Ảnh: John Cameron)
In the northern provinces, red plums often bear the most fruit in October.


Every October, bananas ripen more and taste sweeter than other seasons of the year. Bananas are also very attractive when used in smoothies or in cakes and desserts. In addition, bananas are also a rich source of potassium, which is very good for heart health.

Chuối chín đúng vụ có mùi thơm đặc trưng, thoang thoảng dễ chịu. (Ảnh: Fabrizio Frigeni)
Ripe bananas have a characteristic, pleasant, light aroma.

Dragon fruit

Red dragon fruit also reaches its ripest and most delicious state in October. These fruits have a beautiful shape and a sweet taste, and are often used to make desserts, smoothies, and are also very eye-catching decorations. Dragon fruit contains a lot of vitamin C, fiber, and is low in calories, making it a great choice for those who want to maintain their weight.

Tháng 10 tại các gian chợ, thanh long và nho được bầy bán rất nhiều. (Ảnh: Nina Giovani)
In October, dragon fruit is sold in abundance at the markets.


Papaya ripens in October and is very sweet and fragrant. This fruit is not only easy to eat but also very nutritious. Papaya contains many digestive enzymes, vitamins A and C. In addition to being eaten as a dessert, papaya is also used in salads or processed into delicious dishes such as papaya pork leg soup, papaya stewed oxtail...

Đu đủ thường được trồng vào đầu mùa hè và cho ra quả vào mùa thu. (Ảnh: Amanda Lins)
Papaya is usually planted in early summer and bears fruit in fall.


Guavas are usually harvested year-round, but in October, guavas ripen evenly and have a more distinctive flavor. Guavas are not only delicious but also contain lots of vitamin C, fiber and minerals necessary for the body.

Những quả ổi ngon thường đều màu và còn nguyên cuống. (Ảnh: VD photography)
Good guavas are usually even in color and have their stems intact.


When autumn comes, pineapples begin to ripen. Pineapples have a sweet, slightly sour taste that is very pleasant, and are often used to make drinks, smoothies, or desserts. Pineapples are rich in vitamin C and bromelain, which helps with digestion and reduces inflammation.

VN (according to VTC News)
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What delicious, in-season fruits are available in October?