Personnel work

New features in introducing staff appointments

NINH TUAN May 11, 2024 06:00

The Politburo has issued Regulation No. 142-QD/TW on piloting the delegation of authority and responsibility to leaders in personnel work.
On behalf of the Politburo, Comrade Truong Thi Mai, Politburo member, Permanent member of the Secretariat, Head of the Central Organization Commission, has just signed and issued Regulation No. 142-QD/TW regulating the pilot assignment of authority and responsibility to leaders in personnel work.

Regulation No. 142-QD/TW has some new contents that are worth paying attention to. Specifically, based on the policy of the competent authority, in step 1 of the personnel process according to Article 21, Regulation No. 80-QD/TW of the Politburo on decentralization of personnel management and appointment, introduction of candidates, the head is introduced as follows: In case of personnel from local sources: The head, based on the number, structure, standards, conditions, task requirements and list of personnel in the planning, selects and introduces 1 personnel for 1 position for the Party Committee, Party organization, collective leadership of the agency, unit to consider and include in the list, and proceed with the next steps. In case of personnel from other sources: The head, based on the quantity, structure, standards, conditions, and task requirements, introduces 1 personnel for 1 position so that the Party Committee, Party organization, and collective leadership of the agency or unit can consider and carry out the personnel process.

In addition, the head also has the right to consider appointing and dismissing heads of organizations, agencies, and units at the administrative level under his/her direct management according to regulations...

The issuance of Regulation No. 142-QD/TW is the concretization of the Politburo on a number of policies and regulations stated in Resolution No. 26-NQ/TW dated May 19, 2018 of the Party Central Committee on focusing on building a contingent of cadres at all levels, especially at the strategic level, with sufficient qualities, capacity and prestige, equal to the tasks and Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW dated October 25, 2021 on promoting Party building and the political system; resolutely preventing, repelling and strictly handling cadres and party members who have degraded in political ideology, ethics, lifestyle, and manifestations of "self-evolution" and "self-transformation".

In the past, the introduction of personnel for appointment and election was the authority of the collective (party committee, party organization, collective leadership of agencies, units, localities). The head of the party committee, party organization, and collective leadership also had the role and authority in orienting, suggesting, and proposing, but it was not really clear and the final decision-making power belonged to the collective.

The pilot assignment of authority and responsibility to leaders in personnel work according to Regulation No. 142-QD/TW will increase the authority and responsibility of leaders, which is expected to contribute to reducing procedures and levels in the personnel process and administrative reform in the Party. The authority of leaders increases and becomes more obvious, but the responsibility is also clearer and heavier.

Regulation No. 142-QD/TW has many strict contents to control the power of the head, ensure the principles of impartiality, objectivity, publicity, transparency and prevent abuse of power, tyranny and monopoly. That is, the head must ensure the standards, conditions, political qualities, ethics, lifestyle, working capacity of the personnel he/she introduces; strictly implement regulations on personnel work, regulations on controlling power and preventing corruption and negativity in personnel work. The head is responsible for his/her decisions even when he/she has transferred to another job or retired in the following cases: Introducing cadres for election, appointment is not impartial, not objective, does not ensure standards, conditions, political qualities, ethics, lifestyle, working capacity; dismissing cadres without ensuring the basis and procedures according to regulations...

Regulation No. 142-QD/TW clearly states: The head may or may not exercise the authority assigned under this regulation and is responsible for his/her decisions. The pilot implementation period is 5 years from the date of promulgation of the regulation.

Many cadres, party members and people hope that the pilot implementation will bring good results and experiences to find good solutions to the "problem" of the relationship between the collective and the individual leader, between authority and responsibility in personnel work.

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