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Please read Hai Duong weekend

BHD March 16, 2024 05:30

Hai Duong Weekend Newspaper No. 1223 with rich content and many issues of concern.


The Reportage-Notes page of Hai Duong Weekend Newspaper No. 1223 has an articleDealing with "alcohol god" all night(Do Nga) reflects the hardship and difficulty of the traffic police force in handling cases of alcohol concentration violations when driving vehicles in traffic.

The ancient Quao village, now Lam Xuyen hamlet, Phu Dien commune, Nam Sach district (Hai Duong) was prosperous with pottery but now the craft has been lost. The remaining traces are reflected in the articleLooking for traces of Quao village pottery(Snow Wind) on the Economics page.


Hai Duong is making efforts to innovate its growth model, thereby creating momentum for green economic development. To achieve this goal, the province has been actively building human resources to meet the requirements of “green jobs”. The issue was reflected on the Society page with the articlePreparing human resources for green economy(Bao Anh).

On the Culture-Sports-Entertainment page there is an articleHan Trung communal house in golden hearts(Khuc Gia Trang). Writing about Han Trung communal house in Viet Hoa ward (Hai Duong city) which was restored by kind-hearted people, and has now become a place for community activities of local people during every festival.

On the Law page there is an articleUnsuccessful attempt to reclaim house sold due to debt(Ngoc Mai) wrote about the complicated house transfer case of Mrs. Nguyen Thi Trang and her husband in Minh Tan ward to Mrs. Luong Thi Nga in Phu Thu ward (same town as Kinh Mon).


Literature page has short storiesStart of constructionby the authorTran Van Loi; essayOld Dong Vanbelong toNguyen Thi Viet Nga; the collection of poems includes the following poems:Hai Duong's mark(Nguyen Hong Vinh),Come home(Nguyen Huu Phach),March six-eight(Ho Dinh Bac)...

The newspaper has many other interesting contents, please read!

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Please read Hai Duong weekend