
Decoding Gen Z's abbreviations: Why did 2006 become 2k6?

TH (according to VTC News) July 1, 2024 05:30

Many older people are confused when reading the sentence "Congratulations to the 2k6 students for completing their graduation exams" because they don't understand why 2006 has become 2k6.

Gen Z tự giới thiệu
Gen Z introduces themselves as "I was born in 2006" instead of "I was born in 2006" (illustrative photo)

In recent days, social networks have been flooded with words of encouragement, good wishes and congratulations to students taking the high school graduation exam. The phrase "congratulations to the 2k6 students for completing the important exam" has been repeated over and over again.

Why did 2006 become 2k6?

2k6 is another way of writing the number 2006 - the year of birth of the generation of students who just completed 12 years of studying in the summer of 2024. This way of writing has been around for a long time (for example, previous generations of students often called themselves 2k5, 2k4, 2k3...), often used in text messages, status lines, comments on social networks and is becoming more and more popular in communication among young people.

This way of writing is the result of the Internet and social media boom, when users wrote concisely online, which led to shorter speech. The change in texting and social media language gradually influenced the language of Gen Z's life, which is not much different from that of the previous generation.

For example, the previous generation, instead of saying "I was born between 1980 - 1989", shortened it to "I belong to the 8x generation" or "I am 8x".

So why did 2006 "turn" into 2k6? This name comes from the time when humanity was about to enter the 21st century, when people were worried about the Y2K problem that would occur in computer systems when the year 2000 began: On the last day of 1999, computers would display the number 12/31/99, and on the first day of 2000, the year number would display 01/01/00, like January 1, 1900. This would mess up the data system.

To deal with this problem, companies and organizations around the world had to check, repair and upgrade their computer systems. This event was called the "Millennium Bug" and was abbreviated as Y2K (Year 2,000). K stands for kilo to indicate the unit of thousands, similar to 1 kilobyte equal to 1,000 bytes (in the decimal system).

The Y2K incident received such a great deal of attention worldwide that the term K for counting became popular worldwide.

In Vietnam, the abbreviation K for thousands has been around since the late 2000s. During this time, price tags became more and more popular, and to save space and optimize the amount of information, people abbreviated 300,000 VND to 300k.

Cách viết này ngày càng phổ biến trong quảng cáo.
This style of writing is becoming more and more popular in advertising.

There have been many debates about this abbreviation, many people object and think that writing like this will affect the purity of Vietnamese. However, the convenience makes this writing method commonly applied in informal language.

Some people think that the explosion of mobile phones in the years 2000 - 2010 is also a factor that makes this abbreviation more popular. In early 2000, the total number of mobile phone subscribers in Vietnam was only 0.3 million. By 2010, the total number of mobile phone subscribers was 140 million. At this time, a normal text message was regulated to have a maximum of 160 characters. When switching to character number 161, the subscriber will be charged double. Many users learn to abbreviate 1,000 VND to 1k, which is shorter and more economical.

When using social networks, where the number of characters is not limited, the need to type quickly makes users prefer abbreviations. For young people, writing 2k3, 2k6, 200k instead of 2003, 2006, 200 thousand... is also a way for them to show their difference. new, replacing the traditional standard way of writing.

Generation Z grew up with social media, never knowing what life was like without the internet. Young people learn language and communication partly through social media, where abbreviations are extremely popular; their speech has become as concise as their texting. Few Gen Zs introduce themselves to their friends as “I was born in 2006”; they often say “I was born in 2006”.

TH (according to VTC News)
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Decoding Gen Z's abbreviations: Why did 2006 become 2k6?