Tom Jackson's book "How Does Everything Work?" will explain to readers why you should never pour grease directly into the drain and why you should never take shelter under a tree during a thunderstorm.
In the natural environment, the modern world, and even in the human body, there are many unknowns about how things work, how they are connected, and whether we use and care for them properly.
BookHow does everything work?by Tom Jackson (published by Zenbooks in collaboration with Dan Tri Publishing House) presents the working principles of almost everything, equipping children and adults with the necessary knowledge about the natural and social world.
As the name suggests,How does everything work?provides a comprehensive picture of how almost everything in life works. The book is 320 pages thick, divided into 6 chapters, corresponding to 6 areas: About you (human body); Home; Cities and industry; The natural world, Our planet; Outer space.
Each chapter of the book covers a wide range of topics. For example, the chapter on the human body explains the structure of individual neurons and the nervous system, while the chapter on nature and the earth covers everything from microscopic phenomena like photosynthesis to the organization of large systems like rainforests and the atmosphere.
The chapters on homes and cities explain how things and structures like microwaves, airports, and hospitals work. The final chapterouter spacetakes readers into space, exploring galaxies, supernovae, and visiting space stations and Mars rovers.
The book chapters are designed based on STEM topics (abbreviation of 4 words: Science; Technology; Engineer; Math). This is an advanced curriculum in the world, encouraging children to explore and be creative in technology and science.
The sharp illustrations, from diagrams to 3D images and graphics, make the exploration process intuitive and engaging. The easy-to-understand instructions and clear language also create a realistic and exciting experience for the reader.
The book is suitable for both children and adults, but is especially useful for children aged 9 and up, who are curious about the world and are forming their worldview, skills and thinking for the future.
The book conveys honest and gentle lessons about lifestyle, from body care, cooking skills and using electrical appliances to environmental protection and survival in nature. Children also learn to love nature and be aware of the impact of small actions on the earth.
VN (according to Vietnamnet)