Science - Technology

Can order organizations and individuals to carry out scientific tasks

PV December 14, 2023 12:23

On the afternoon of December 13, comrade Nguyen Minh Hung, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Chairman of the Provincial Science and Technology Council chaired the year-end meeting of 2023, proposing tasks for 2024.

Comrade Nguyen Minh Hung, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Chairman of the Provincial Science and Technology Council chaired the year-end meeting.

After listening to the report on the results of science and technology tasks in 2023 and the proposed tasks to be implemented from 2024, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Minh Hung highly appreciated the preparation in selecting and appraising topics and projects of the Department of Science and Technology before submitting them to the council. Compared to previous years, this year the topics and tasks of science and technology are more even, not concentrated in some areas. However, the fields of science and technology are still limited compared to practical needs.

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Minh Hung also noted that the implementation of the Project "Research and development of cough treatment support products from the five-claw plant" and "Research on diabetes treatment support products from some medicinal herbs: Gynostemma pentaphyllum, Gymnema sylvestre and Plantago by fermentation method" of the Institute of Medicinal Materials needs to supplement solutions on the medicinal herb area to ensure the integrity of the project.

Representatives of the Department of Science and Technology presented topics and tasks to be implemented from 2024.

To effectively implement scientific topics and tasks in 2024, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested the Department of Science and Technology to closely follow the direction of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the conclusion of the Secretary of the Hai Duong Provincial Party Committee at the working session with the department last November, and the contributions of the members. It is necessary to prepare more thoroughly for the following years in the process of building and proposing new scientific tasks. It is possible to order organizations and individuals to carry out scientific tasks. Closely coordinate with units to ensure the conditions for the most effective implementation of topics and tasks. Closely follow the directive documents of all levels and sectors to have appropriate proposals. Each member of the council needs to promote autonomy and creativity, and contribute more to the common scientific tasks of the province, so that the scientific tasks are closer to reality, highly applicable and bring about practical results.

At the meeting, members of the Provincial Science and Technology Council unanimously voted to agree to carry out 31 new scientific tasks in 2024 (an increase of 13 topics and tasks compared to 2023), with a budget of nearly 40 billion VND. The Provincial Science and Technology Council will submit to the Provincial People's Committee for decision.

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Can order organizations and individuals to carry out scientific tasks