Digital transformation

Great opportunity to promote innovation and digital transformation to develop the country

TB (according to VNA) March 5, 2025 06:07

General Secretary To Lam requested to boldly choose and quickly put products and solutions applying science, technology, innovation, and digital transformation into practice, especially those products that have shown effectiveness.

General Secretary To Lam gives instructions

On the afternoon of March 4, at the Party Central Committee headquarters, the Central Steering Committee on Science, Technology, Innovation and Digital Transformation (Steering Committee) held its 2nd meeting.

General Secretary To Lam, Head of the Steering Committee chaired the meeting.

Attending the event were comrades: Pham Minh Chinh, Politburo member, Prime Minister, Deputy Head of the Steering Committee; Tran Cam Tu, Politburo member, Standing member of the Secretariat, Deputy Head of the Steering Committee; comrades Politburo members, Secretariat members, Party Central Committee members, leaders of relevant ministries, departments and branches, Deputy Head of the Steering Committee, Steering Committee members.

Many positive changes

After more than 1 month of implementation since the First Meeting of the Central Steering Committee on January 20, 2025, up to now, the groups of issues on perfecting the operational foundation of the Central Steering Committee have been basically completed. In particular, the Working Group and the National Advisory Council have been established; Resolution No. 193/2025/NQ-QH15 with 12 pilot mechanisms and policies have been promptly issued to institutionalize Resolution No. 57 into practice, issues that can be deployed early, resolved immediately, without waiting for the National Assembly to pass the Laws.

Digital transformation in Party agencies has initially had positive changes. The utilities of Project 06 have brought many practical benefits in management and service to people and businesses, and are the premise for building a National Data Center.

The reduction, simplification and settlement of administrative procedures, and provision of public services to serve people and businesses have had positive changes. Attracting the attention and feedback of people, businesses, intellectuals, scientists, and experts in science, technology, innovation, and digital transformation.

After listening to the report on the 2025 Work Program of the Steering Committee and the discussion of the Steering Committee members, General Secretary To Lam delivered a concluding speech, acknowledging, praising and highly appreciating the efforts of the Government Party Committee, the National Assembly Party Committee, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Party Committee, the Party Committees of the Central Party agencies, the Central Party Office and Party committees and the members of the Steering Committee.

In addition to the achieved results, the General Secretary pointed out the shortcomings and limitations that need to be promptly overcome to avoid the risk of becoming "bottlenecks" such as: Leadership, direction, awareness, innovation of thinking, and political determination are still slow, especially leaders at all levels have not paid attention to directing and directly using electronic devices and software applications. Institutions, mechanisms, and policies are not yet complete and consistent. Although the National Assembly has issued Resolution 193, there are still some issues raised in Resolution 57 that have not been resolved. The shortage of human resources, especially high-quality human resources, will be a risk of becoming a bottleneck.

General Secretary To Lam gives instructions

Investment and improvement of infrastructure (internet transmission, 5G, database) and development of new technologies (artificial intelligence, big data, etc.) have not received due attention. Digital transformation in the operations of agencies and the quality of online public service provision are still limited, especially the digitization and restructuring of business processes to bring them into the digital environment. There has been no focus on boldly developing and putting scientific and technological products, innovation, and digital transformation into practice in management activities and serving people and businesses.

Concretizing Resolution No. 57, creating a foundation for solid development

Basically agreeing with the tasks and solutions proposed at the meeting, the General Secretary stated that 2025 is the starting year, orienting the roadmap, implementing specific policies to concretize Resolution No. 57, creating a foundation for solid and synchronous development in the following years.

Identifying key tasks in the coming time, the General Secretary emphasized linking the implementation of Resolution No. 57 with the continued implementation of Resolution No. 18 to restructure the management system from the central to grassroots levels, associated with the application of science, technology, innovation, and digital transformation to ensure synchronous operations of the three levels of government (central, provincial, and communal).

The General Secretary pointed out that perfecting institutions, mechanisms, policies and ensuring resources and human resources to implement Resolution No. 57 must be carried out urgently, synchronously and effectively, and completed in the second quarter of 2025.

This not only creates a solid legal corridor, but also removes barriers to strongly promote tasks and solutions into practice; focuses on building and perfecting digital infrastructure, digital platforms, especially national data centers, national databases on enterprises, national databases on land; develops high-tech zones, semiconductor technology...

The General Secretary requested that we must boldly select and quickly put into practice products and solutions that apply science, technology, innovation, and digital transformation, especially those that have shown effectiveness. We can pilot and complete the evaluation of effectiveness before expanding.

The General Secretary directed that the Standing Committee of the Steering Committee should focus on directing and removing difficulties, obstacles, recommendations and proposals from the Steering Committee members and the Standing Committee of the Steering Committee, especially risks that can easily become "bottlenecks" and "barriers."

General Secretary To Lam gives instructions

The Deputy Heads of the Steering Committee need to participate in, direct and implement the activities of the Steering Committee, strongly, substantially and effectively promote the role of the Standing Body of the National Advisory Council and the Steering Committee's Working Group.

Regarding specific tasks, at the meeting, the General Secretary also assigned tasks to the Government Party Committee, the National Assembly Party Committee, the Central Party Office, Party committees and members of the Steering Committee to focus on urgent implementation immediately after the meeting.

Regarding implementation, the General Secretary requested that the Provincial and Municipal Party Committees establish a Steering Committee on science and technology development, innovation, and digital transformation, with the Provincial and Municipal Party Committee Secretaries as Heads of the Steering Committees, similar to the Central Steering Committee model, and develop and issue an action plan to implement Resolution No. 57, ensuring that the goals and tasks are linked to the roadmap, specific products, have local characteristics, are feasible and flexible with reality.

The General Secretary assigned the Deputy Steering Committee members and members of the Steering Committee to focus on directing the implementation of the Steering Committee's activities according to assigned tasks, promoting strongly, substantially, effectively, and the role of the standing agency of the National Advisory Council and the Steering Committee's support team. The Steering Committee's support team will preside over and coordinate with the National Advisory Council to develop an action plan, implement the strategy, Resolution No. 57 to ensure action, effectiveness, measurability, and have a flexible adjustment mechanism suitable to reality. The plan must clearly define strategic goals with specific programs, goals, and roadmaps, clearly assigning the responsibilities and roles of each agency, organization, and individual, and submit it to the Head of the Steering Committee for consideration and approval in April 2025 and will be regularly updated with new arising tasks.

The General Secretary emphasized that we are facing a great opportunity to promote innovation and digital transformation to develop the country; he requested the Standing Committee of the Steering Committee, members of the Steering Committee, supporting agencies and relevant agencies to continue to promote a sense of responsibility, determination and creativity to turn the goals of Resolution No. 57 into specific and practical results. If this task is completed, it will make a very important contribution to the development of the country in the coming period.

TB (according to VNA)
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Great opportunity to promote innovation and digital transformation to develop the country